Alison doesn't mention these things because she's too modest, but
I really enjoyed reading this. Being that I am roughly in the same position, her words ring all the more true.
In other news, I quit/got sacked from my most recent experiment in employment. HMV may stand for His Master's Voice but being on your feet for 8 hour days at a fraction above minimum wage will quickly reduce you to His Master's Bitch. You would think the country's No.1 CD/DVD retailer could afford to pay a bit better than 8 and a half dollars an hour- don't be fooled. The past two months ranked up there in the top 3 worst jobs I have ever had (just a bit worse than "Chauffeur to the elderly"). Major commercial retail work still sucks, but hey- according to the National Bureau of Labour Statistics, the job of "retail salespersons" is expected to be the fourth largest growth category for new jobs by the end of the decade!* Oh well. I earned enough money there that I can afford to pay for 7 months rent in Montreal, which is where I am moving to next Saturday. Someone suggested to me that in theory, I could qualify for UI since I have worked full time for over 6 of the past 12 months. Since Montreal seems to be the last great metropolitan bastion for slackers and dilettantes alike, this could be a feasible course of action. Not bloody likely in reality, but funny to daydream about nonetheless. I wonder what my parents would think?
Actually, Montreal will be hard work. I won't have any friends to distract me there (everyone I know lives in Toronto) so I should expect to get on with it and get to work on what the Trailer Park Boys like to refer to as "Freedom 35". I just have to find a way to do it that doesn't involve sleeping in a car and/or selling dope. Actually, maybe I should abandon my dreams of radio and journalism and just start selling dope. Then again,
I should really wait and see who wins the federal election first. In the meantime, I find inspiration in the words of the immortal Dean "Deaner" Murdoch, who once said
"As it stands, Plan B is to just keep on Given'r." Indeed I will go out and keep on working hard, and that's a plan right there.
Whatever happens, I am just looking forward to living in the same city as my girlfriend at last. We've dropped a small fortune on travel expenses and phone bills in the past two years- I won't be missing that.
Here are some pictures of my new apartment in MTL.
Living down on St.Laurent, the mountain is two blocks away from my bedroom window.
Maybe I will take some more pictures once I have moved in.
*according to their report entitled the "Occupational Outlook Handbook"