Oct 01, 2006 20:17
So this has been Metal Weekend and it has been the best weekend ever.
DragonForce on Thursday was fantastic. I was amazed at how awesome they are in concert. At the end of the show I finally ended up front and center and I was ecstatic. I ended up getting a few bruises from being in the pit, but it was nothing too bad. I took a few elbows here and there, but for the most part I was alright. At the end though, I somehow ended up between about 5 or 6 big fat guys, who all smelled really bad. It was highly gross. I got an amazing hoody though. I haven't been able to wear it since Thursday caz it's been soaked from a combination of sweat and water, but I think I'll be able to wear it like tonight or tomorrow, which is awesome caz it's wicked cool.
On Friday Keith and I headed out to Brooklyn to meet up with his brother, who is fucking metal! Then we went over to Queens with Keith's brother and the guys in his band so they could start getting ready for the show. Sacristy is fucking amazing. The bands who played in the middle weren't so great. They had a few good points, but nothing that I was really able to get into and I ended up spending most of the time while they were on outside smoking and drinking. Destroyer 666 was the last band to go on, and they were fucking sick. I was in the pit almost the whole time. I got my ass kicked. I ended up on the floor a few times and Keith got headbutted in the head and has a nice bruise there. I got bruises on my back and neck, but it's well worth it. At one point we went outside for a cigarette and when we went back in we went back to the pit and one of the dudes there asked me if I wanted to be standing there. I turned around and said fuck yes and he was convinced. Keith and I ended up impressing his brother apparently by being in the pit for so long. It pretty much made my day when Adam told us that he was impressed with us. If I got his respect, I really don't need anyone else's. Apparently Steve, the guitarist and singer, thinks I'm wicked cool too. He myspace messaged me earlier and told me so, so I'm pretty happy about that as well. The show ended around 2:30 and Keith and I were supposed to stay at Adam's appartment in Brooklyn for the night, but we were wide awake, so we decided, hey, let's go back tonight. That was probably a bad idea. We got back to school around 7 am and then slept until around 5pm Saturday. It was pretty fantastic.
Today we had tickets to Metalfest at the Webster, and it pretty much sucked. We stayed for about 20 minutes. There was no one there and the bands were shit. So that was pretty much a waste of 8 bucks. So we went to the mall after to see if we could buy some metal gear and well let's just say the stores here are pretty much lacking. We ended up going to Home Depot and Keith bought four feet worth of chains. That is fucking metal.
We decided to start a black metal band. We wrote half a song yesterday, and it's pretty fucking sick. We gotta find a drummer though, so hopefully that'll happen caz we'd be fucking amazing.
Anyway, I should be doing something constructive right now, like reading or studying, so I'ma go.