Jan 04, 2010 19:10
December was one crazy month. Tim spent two weeks in San Jose, Ca doing geeky things for IBM and hanging out with friends. I was home, being crafty, painting gourds and making Christmas cards. It was fun, but I did miss my boy. He got home just in time for a visit from my Mother and mine and Harold's debut in a horse show. Harold and I participated in our first horse show on December 12th. We did 2 jumping classes at 2'3" and two flat classes. We got a 4th and a 6th in the jumping out of 10 people. I was pleased. He was a great boy that day. Didn't look at anything, didn't freak out at all the people and behaved himself.
My mom spent her birthday on the 13th, with us. We took her out to dinner to a yummy place called Cork. Tim wasn't impressed with the place, but I want to go back, maybe even for my birthday! ;)
On the 19th, we had plans to fly out to Philly to spend the Christmas holiday on the East coast. Our plans were foiled by the blizzard of the century that dropped 24inches of snow in the Philly area. We didn't fly out until the 21st, but we still got to spend a lot of quality time with both our families. I took my dad, sister and brother on a food tour of Philadelphia. I thought it was interesting. We also found a place called the Naked Chocolate Cafe, which serves European style hot chocolate. It is so thick, you need a spoon to "drink" it when it cools. It was heaven in a cup.
We spent Christmas eve and day with Tim's family in Salisbury, Md. Then we were back in Philly for the Eagles/Broncos game. I'm glad I made it to at least 2 games this year, but it should have been three...stupid snow.
New Years Eve was a relaxing evening watching movies and playing Wii. I tried to stay awake until midnight, but didn't. I saw the East coast midnight, does that count? Tim did wake me up to say Happy New Year though! :) We spent the weekend relaxing mostly and seeing Sherlock Holmes and Avatar.
This years big present was a new computer for Tim. He hasn't had one in a long time, which has been torture for him. I got some spiffy boots, an Eagles jersey, some kitchen stuff and eventually i will get some plant grow lights so I can start my tomato and pepper seeds indoors. :)
So that is all for December. It went by fast. Now it's time to look forward.