Blessings y'all...
The subject is the entry. Today just is. And I'm glad of it. Just flowing...
Just started a new mystery series by Marjorie Eccles. This first one is set in the small English village of Laverton. Someone has murdered the florist. And Inspector Mayo is on the case. Quirky people. It's been interesting so far.
Thinking about my presentation about using and utilizing spiritual magick in the everyday. I do know I've found this LJ to be a magickal tool. It helps me to formulate and put out what I need in the Universe. If you don't put it out there, how can it come to you? Which reminds me, I should put out another list of what I want to manifest in my life, soon. I use spiritual magick in other everyday venues, also. Such as when I bake bread, cook, wash dishes, pray, etc.
Spiritual Magick!
It's not just for ritual anymore!
Hmmm... Still crying when praying. It's ok.
I realize I haven't been doing a good job (or much of a job) in keeping in touch with friends and family. I know, and more importantly, FEEL I must change this and keep in touch. Last night I wrote a letter to Elspeth of Haven. I haven't spoken to her in months. I need to write >lj user="mrs_miller"> for the same reasons (tho, she, her husband, and now son live in my old house, which I sold them years ago. I miss them alot and I've only been back in that house once since 2002). I haven't seen
goddess_of_art in almost a year. *argh in annoyance at self* Must communicate and, more importantly, see my family and friends more often than every couple of years. Working on it.
Thinking about my map art, too. It's probably time to add the Hekatae's Grove (right next to our Sanctuary at the Crossroads), the Temple of Minerva, Dupont Circle, and maybe the whole 'Vale of the Edifices Noir'. Along the same lines, I think I'm ready to do the Reflections Mystery School notebook cover collage. Me doing art for me? Who'da thunk?
As for other spiritual things, I'm finding talking it out is clearing my seeing and focusing my planning. I feel my vocation (a blending, in various amounts of the moment, of mystic, prophet, elder, healer, and walker between communities) is calling me. It has me realizing I have too much schtuff, and other things should be here (I need to work on my bike and bring it home). My priorities are changing, with feeling and thought and deliberateness. And it's cool, too.
I'm having supper with
fritterfae at the PLG Book Talk this evening. Meeting in Dupont Circle.
Going to put up my list to the Universe now.
May you have a better day!