Oct 27, 2006 15:47
Yes, here we are ... one of my Rarely seen posts. It has occured to me that, except for a 2-3 year stint in the past, that I've always been fairly hermit-like. I've pondered over this and have come to accept it.
It's not that I dislike people or have any sort of grudge or hate against folks. I just ... well, other than at work, where I must multi-task like a fiend, I have an overabiding tendency to be hopelessly focused. Work fills a large portion of my day, and one of several MMO's fill the other large part ... with sleep, eating, reading and doing quality-time things with the SO (things outside of our MMO time together, heh) filling in the rest.
There are a couple people I see on a regular basis, but that due to them being our regular pen-n-paper gaming group. As far as keeping-in-touch via the internet, I'm pretty horrid at keeping that up as well, other than this one Forum ... but there, too, we play a play-by-post dnd game.
I'm simply ~horrid~ at keeping up with folks and keeping in touch. I ~should~ be better about it. And I do apologize to anyone who may've gotten hurt feelings at any point due to that. But, well ... its me. I suck at being active in stuff ... meh.
Enough of that. On to the reason for my posting ...
Every year for the past 8-ish years now, I do the rare thing and throw open the doors to my home to nigh around everyone. And make food ... lots and lots and lots. Movies, drinks, games ... fun to be had by all. It started out by being me just doing a nice somethin-somethin for friends that couldn't go home for Thanksgiving, or really didn't want to, or were too poor to do something on their own, etc ... and in essence it still is. Folks are invited and encouraged to not to have to worry about "bringing anything". In fact, I ask each person that has guaranteed arrival what item of food is the "bestest" ... what makes them think of home and happiness. Then I make it (or try to). So, in the end, every guest has their own special food that is part of the repast. Certainly makes for very interesting menus sometimes ;-)
Anywho, toward that end, its time for me to start the planning for the she-bang. As far as planning the menu and getting things together and having some idea of who all is coming.
So, anyone reading this, if ya need or want a nifty Thanksgiving Dinner to go to, have no place else to go, or just plain want to hang out and whatnot ... send me an email saying I WANT TO COME PLZ THX (or something more eloquent if that's your style ... I think I've been playing WoW too much lately to think of that blurb so often ;) ) And even if you don't intend to come, but you know someone that I know (or might know) ... send me an email and well, let me know.
And if you just want to poke me and see if I'm still alive ... you can send me an email then, too ;-)
seelie @ seelie.net