The Covid life:
A few days after Worldcon, I found out that
freeradical42 and their wife, the only people at the con who I spent any time with unmasked, had tested positive for COVID the Wednesday after Worldcon. My tests have been negative and I've had no symptoms, but yikes. Yay for vaccines and luck, I guess. Thankfully they're just about recovered and their symptoms were generally fairly mild.
But the rise of Omicron and that scare have me wanting to turtle as much as possible. Given, you know, work in person being an unavoidable part of life. Jewmas was celebrated online with a rewatch of Eight Gifts of Hannukah, I've made the sad decision not to go up to MA to help GC for Hunt in person, I've not seen my parents in person in about a month... I miss people. At least I had Worldcon.
I then got my booster this Wednesday, and then had a massive headache Wednesday night and was generally knocked out for all of Thursday, but today I'm feeling much better, and feeling good to hopefully have some extra protection. It is a little weird to realize my worst illnesses of the past two years have both been vaccine side effects, but I am grateful that this is the case.
It was kinda bad timing to lose Thursday, I have off today for New Year's and was hoping to use Thursday evening to kickstart a big weekend of Hunt work, but I've been making nice progress today.
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