Because of Mystery Hunt time commitments, I skipped signing up for Festivids and Yuletide this year. Actually, several things I am working on for Hunt are not dissimilar to Festivids and Yuletide kind of projects, so I'm not missing the creative outlets FV and YT provide, but I am missing the sense of being part of those communities. Out of the corner of my eye, I've seen people plotting letters and treat plans and so on and I miss being part of the scheming. I miss the global fannish energy and feeling like I was a contributor to it. And Mystery Hunt is great and I am having so much fun working on it with Palindrome, but the one problem is not being able to talk about all the cool things I am doing with anyone off the team, when I am just welling up with obsessive nerd need to tell people. Oh well, in three months (!) the world gets to see all the cool and ridiculous stuff we've been doing.
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