Happy Yuletide!
I was kinda bad at signing up for Yuletide this year but I still got a really great "Now You See Me" story that tries to explain why Isla Fisher's character Henley wasn't in the second movie. Highly, highly recommend.
everything has a loophole (you just have to know where to look) (2407 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Now You See Me (Movies)Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: J. Daniel Atlas/Henley Reeves
Characters: Henley Reeves
Additional Tags: Pregnancy Scares, Unplanned Pregnancy, False Pregnancy, POV Female Character, Tarot, Grief/Mourning, Reunions
Where was Henley during the events of NYSM2? Why did she really leave The Four Horsemen?
He scoffs a bit. “You always gotta have an out, don’t you?”
She shrugs. She’s an escape artist. It is her specialty, after all.
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