Apr 05, 2010 22:27
tomorrow marks three months since my life has changed forever. you would think that without a job i'd be able to keep up with updating a bit better, but alas, i'm still slacking. i really need to get back in the habit as it will just be another tool that helps me in this final (and i say final because i am NEVER going to have 400+ pounds to lose again!) attempt at weight loss. my life has changed so much...in both good and bad ways, but mainly for the good.
obviously tomorrow is my *official* weigh in, but in 11 weeks i have gotten rid of 64.2 pounds. that makes me right on the 400 pounds cusp. all i need to lose tomorrow is 0.4 pounds and i'm back in the 400's...fingers crossed!!! if you are following the biggest loser, stephanie lost 66 pounds in 11 weeks while at the ranch...imagine what my success would have been if i had been at the ranch since i have 200+ more pounds to lose than her!!!
so i've decided to be brave and share my measurements. i'm not sure why that always scared me in the past, especially since i share my weight...but ever since going to la and laying it all out there for producers, i figured what the heck??? so here goes.
so my measurements the past three months are as follows:
area measuredjanuaryfebruarymarchtotal differenceneck19.2518.75181.25chest71.5071692.50rib cage58.5057.25562.50waist (bellybutton)74626113hips8680797right upper arm2927.7525.503.50left upper arm28.752826.502.25right forearm1514.7514.250.75left forearm1514.7514.250.75right wrist7.257.2570.25left wrist7.257.2570.25right upper thigh4341.50367left upper thigh4240.50366right knee2323221left knee2624233right calf24.2523.5023.251left calf25.2524.50241.25right ankle1512.5012.252.75left ankle17.5013.25134.50total inches627.50591.5056760.50
as you can see i have some odd measurements, my body is not symmetrical, hahaha. however, i will take 60.50 inches gone from my body FOREVER!!! and i'll especially take 13 inches from my waist and 7 inches from my hips. the measurements that actually shock me the most are my thighs. i would have never guess that i lost 7 and 6 inches off each thigh, but it explains why i can't see some of the weight loss, hahaha. i'm really happy about my upper arms too. they are still HUGE (i mean they are still bigger than some peoples waists!!!), but they are getting there...again, it's another place i don't really see any difference, but the measurments prove it.