Title: I Love You, Lovely
Author: seekin4therapy
Pairing: Joon/Mir
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Summary: Mir's thoughts on Joon after he passes away suddenly.
Why do you cry?
Do not be sad, do not cry, my beautiful one.
Why do you cry? Do you cry for me?
Save your tears, I am not worth your despair.
Hush, pretty, dry your tears.
Ah, but look! Even your sorrow is beautiful.
Glittering, sparkling diamonds resting on smooth satin.
Could I but collect those precious gems I would be wealthy beyond belief!
But no. No, I could not bring myself to sell something so very precious.
Come now, darling, why do you weep?
Your hands are so warm upon mine. See them; they have always been so small, so delicate when held in my own.
Our hands tell a story, yours and mine do.
They have been clasped in joy, brighter than the golden sun; clutched in the throws of passion, burning hotter than a phoenix’s flame; loosley gripped in hurt sadness, then gently held as the pain was soothed away.
Many times we have held hands, but never before has it been like this; white-knuckled, tense, all encompassing blackness and grief.
Shhhh, beauty, you will make yourself ill! Already your color has turned pallid, listless.
My love, why do you weep so?
There, place your head upon my chest.
Let sleep embrace you, carry you away on wings of silver and jade to where the pain can no longer reach your weary soul.
Lovely one, my joy, my life, my soul.
Do not let this pain overcome you. You are so strong, you always have been, despite your protests of the contrary.
This grief will pass with the days; the flow of time that eases all pain and carries away life.
Oh, to know that now I will never again hold you close, kiss you breathless, tell you how very much I love you…
And I do precious, I love you more than I have ever loved before.
My love will stay with you even when I’m long gone. You must know this?
So, lovely, why do you cry?
Live for me, smile for me, touch the lives of everyone you meet.
I love you, lovely, always and forever.