I Can NOT Resist . . .

May 04, 2024 08:37


I wish you all a Wonderfully Happy and Downright Positive in All Ways Day!

On this drizzling morning, I'm futzing with cleaning, with bagging and boxing bits and pieces, with contemplating what to do with items--from jewelry-making sparklies to vintage bookcase and LOTS of BOOKS.

The divorce is STILL not finished, but we are getting somewhat further along. Money-balancing is one of the big issues, of course. I hate dealing with finances and trying to figure what is due to whom. My lawyer has sent me a bunch of paperwork relevant to all of that and suggested I study it all and be ready to explain things and give him answers as to just What I Think Is Right and Fair on Monday. After nearly 4 decades of sharing and blurring our finances . . . May God or one of Her Angels help me with that assignment.

I just realized that I should be grateful for the rain and the chill outside. Not much desire to go walking outside or working on my yard and over-grown flower beds. BUT: I DO have to do some shopping for needed groceries and other things!!!! So . . . first I will make space on my work table (much needed cleaning and organizing there too) and then the grocery & etc. shopping!      .................. Then the finances. sigh......

Enough whining and muttering. I have STUFF to do, whether I like it or not. May The Fourth Be With Me and Help Me Accomplish What I Need to Accomplish. Thank YOU, My Friends, for being there and caring. May The Fourth Be With YOU and give you a wonderful day!

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