Another Shorty Post

Apr 26, 2024 06:50

I've begun tackling the backyard work. Raked and bagged one big bag of last year's discarded leaves yesterday.  Of course, now I'm hoping that the city is actually picking that yard waste stuff by now. The full bag is heavier than all those float-ey, small bits of nature should be. And I don't want to have to carry it back and forth for however weeks the picking up might still be.

Arrow and Dicer are both doing pretty well. We manage a neighborhood walk most days and they certainly seem to appreciate it. Of course, they are ALWAYS ready for more food &/or treats. (But then . . . I'm a bit like that myself.) If my memory is correct, My X will be taking the boys for the weekend again. I'll have to double check that, of course.

Tomorrow I will be attending the MnStff (science fiction organization) picnic. I need to figure out what I'm bringing as an edible contribution. Not a lot of time for cooking/baking in my Friday or Saturday morning. I'll think of something.

Almost time to clock-in for work. Thus . . . I must leave you, Dear Reader. Only until The Next Time . . . and who the heck knows when that will be?

Be well and happy, my friends. I need good examples to follow, ya know.
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