A New Addition To My World

Feb 04, 2024 18:55

As we all know, weekends always fly past like a frightened Jet plane chased by a ticked-off Klingon battle ship. This weekend has followed the usual pattern. Today in particular has flashed past, creating time-booms for those who know how to hear them and who now have ringing ears and head aches. No head ache for me . . . my head is just spinning from the speed of today's passing. Okay. Maybe a little dizziness too.

Arrow and Dice(y) and I took a walk this afternoon to enjoy some sunshine. It was a lovely, warm feeling. In case you are thinking something along the line of: Who the heck is Dice(y)? I have an answer. Dice was a Rescue 5 year-old Keeshond boy dog who was released from his former job as a Puppy Mill stud dog. Jeff saw his photo on some website and fell into "Puppy Love". So he sent the photo to me and we went to meet him, but then were told that someone in Colorado or some such state had already spoken for him. But ... that "someone" decided that the $400 fee to buy Dice(y) was plenty enough and refused to also pay the transport from Minnesota. So, Jeff claimed him. So now Arrow gets to pass back and forth between Jeff and me WITH Dice. I don't like the name so I call him Dicey. Multiple syllable names feel better and more canine.

So far, things are going well. Arrow is bigger and definitely insists on being Dog Number One. I'm fine with that. Dicey is still feeling his way around and is trying to get to understand what it is to NOT be a Puppy Mill dog. He is certainly a sweet boy. Frankly, I've never met a Keeshond who wasn't sweet. Of course, Dicey is, indeed, Jeff's dog. He just hangs with Arrow and the two of them stay with me or Jeff in turns.

I don't have a photo to show you. When I can find my camera and get around to taking and loading up the photo I take, I will post it.

Supper is ready. Have a great week, my friends. Be kind to, and grateful for, the loving animals in your life. If you have none, I suggest you consider visit friends who DO have said loving animals. Trust me.

time, dogs

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