Forgot Camera Again

Jun 22, 2014 10:29

Yestereve MyJeff, the boys, and I picked up our friend KS and her 2 keesies and drove up to the annual cookout at our keeshond breeder friends' place. (I didn't remember that I forgot the camera until we'd been there about an hour. I hate that my memory has become so unreliable!)

This cookout coincides with a nearby dog show and many participants join the friends and extended family folks (and dogs) at the LadySlipper Kees house and their way-huge backyard. Much food is prepped, cooked, and consumed. Much conversation happens. More-than-much canine enthusiasm and play erupts all over the place.

We all have a good time.

If I remember correctly, the unofficial count of dogs came to 23 this year. Often the pack includes non-keeshond dogs, but this year only keesies were there. Watching nearly 2 dozen dogs charge from one side of the sort-of horseshoe-shaped back yard to the other and back again; seeing a bounding, fuzzy mass of dogs pouring out of (or into) the back door; being graced with a personal invitation to admire and pet a changing montage of dogs; and getting fed good food to boot is a wonderful way to spend a Saturday evening in June.

Sorry about forgetting the camera because I REALLY wanted to get some photos. However--remember our friend KS who rode with us? Well ... she brought her camera in shape of a cell phone and took several photos. I asked her to send me one or two to post up here for you all to see. I'll get that up as soon as I can.


The LadySlipper Kees website is:

You can find photos of past cookouts, puppies, etc there. Warning: those puppies are mighty adorable.

good eating, dogs, good times, keeshond, friends

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