Interview in about two hours! Can't wait and want to throw up at the same time. My icon kind of says it all, hope this will change soon.
...Three hours later, very good interview and I'll be very upset and disappointed in myself if I don't get the job because it's a fantastic job, even if I will actually have "banker's hours".
Starting to wrap up my college career. Applied for graduation, fixed the fuck up by the library over a book and made the payment for my final semester. Result. Now if I can just go out on a high note grade-wise that would be fantastic
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I took the Sunday opening shift. Another clopening, this one is worse because we don't get out of the store until midnight on Saturday night shifts. I'm such a push over for taking shifts. But money is money right now.
Clopening tonight/tomorrow, not the worst thing in the world.
Starting tonight I have a shift per day until Sunday, and most of them are closing one night and opening the next morning. Or as Aaron, my lovely Starbucks guy, calls it "clopening", he's great.
Almost thirty hours a week. Damn, it's almost like I have a real job.
Only the intro, conclusion and works cited to finish up. And then a quick read over. So close. The downside is I have a 10 page paper due on Thursday, so no break after this paper, grr
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