Response to my friend Mallory's post...

Nov 07, 2008 01:29

Original post by Mallory:
I keep seeing this on FB and it frustrates me. Please realize that this note does not have political motivations--I'm frustrated with Republicans saying they are no longer proud to be Americans as well as Democrats who are saying they are just now proud to be American. I just want everyone to stop and think about the things they say.

I wish that Americans would stop dropping the "I'm now proud to be an American" phrase, as if they were never proud before. Sure, I can understand how some can feel prouder at one time or another, but I cant understand NOT ever being proud. For me, citizenship is such a gift. I am only a 4th generation American, 5 of my great grandparents were immigrants from Eastern Europe and Cuba. This country means more to me than anything else in the world. To me, patriotism is like loving a child. You may dislike what your child does, but you never stop loving it. I may dislike our policies but I will NEVER EVER stop being proud of being an American. It infuriates me to see that some take patriotism lightly. I just hope that people don't really mean these statements as they sound.

Even with all of the injustices and corruption that jade our perception of our nation, please, realize just how lucky we truly are to be American. No matter who our president is. I think patriotism is something that one has independent of the political climate of a nation. Palestinians, a people essentially without a nation, have no reservations in dying for a piece of land that they love. There are people in 3rd world nations living in absolute poverty, and yet they love their home so much they can never bear the thought of leaving it. I hope that all Americans feel the same way about our nation.

Last week I was watching the news and saw some footage of a little girl who on her birthday was sitting in the airport with her grandmother--thinking that they were picking up an old friend. However, when the gates opened, instead of grandma's "friend" the little girl's father stepped off of the plane. He is currently serving in Iraq and hasn't seen his daughter in months. I lost it. Right there on the couch, ice cream carton in hand, I sobbed. Nothing tugs at my heart strings more than the thought of a soldier in a hostile environment, risking everything he/she has, for millions of others. Don't make their efforts in vain.

My reply:

I feel that the word patriotism has lost it's true meaning in the U,S, Looking at our history, there are a lot of things that our government has done that I am not proud of and I would never claim. That is because it was not the will of the people, it was those in power. What I am proud of is the moments the people have overcome: abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, civil rights, gay rights, etc. True patriotism isn't about faith. its about accountability. Its about distrust, not trust. The most American thing you can do is challenge your government. Complacency and a silent public are tools of fascism and totalitarianism. These people are our elected representatives and if you feel you aren't being represented you have to speak up. That's how democracy works.

Election night renewed my faith in the people of the United States. It's been a long time since I can say I've been genuinely happy about many things, especially about our government, but this proves to me that people are ready for progress! It's one of those things that wouldn't get better until it got AWFUL. So it took you a long time, America. It took you two terms of Bush which resulted in a crippled economy, a Patriot Act that destroyed our precious rights that were fought, bled and struggled for, two wars and a world that either fears us, hates us or both.

His victory speech was... Perfect. It really drove home exactly how I feel - and clearly the majority of most Americans as well. It encapsulated shared feelings about our country, this moment in history our expectations of things to come. As a lot of those close to me know I'm not a religious person, but things that I do hold dear are moments like these that show that people do have the power. People out there can cut past the bullshit, the propaganda and realize what's best for not just themselves, but everyone. There is something spiritual about this new found unity today.

It feels good.


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