[Video Post // Public] [Week 1, Day 1, evening]

Sep 27, 2009 20:42

[The Hitomi turns on to show a rather irritated Kisame with his hitai-ate partially undone and drooping down over one eye, holding a struggling, squirming creature in his hand. It looks rather humanoid, if quite blue and only a good four or five inches tall; the thing has two long, spiraling horns and leathery little bat wings. One hand is braced against Kisame's thumb, while the other is smacking a tiny club repeatedly against his knuckles as it lets out shrill, grating howls. Part of the kitchen can be seen behind him; it's a bit of a mess. He gives the creature a rough shake.]

Does anybody know what the hell these things are? I've started finding them in my house this afternoon, and they damned well aren't leaving. A few of them are starting to look awfully familiar by now, too.

[That's one of the weird things--a few of them look unique enough that he knows he's killed them. Why the hell are they still around?]

event: oni invasion i

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