excuse me while I vomit my feelings all over this livejournal post.

Dec 05, 2012 20:32

Hello. This is a post about how in the last few days, I saw One Direction two times and also about how my heart is full of feelings that I can't get rid of.

So, here we go. canadiankracka and I drove to Uncasville on Friday night. We had tickets to the show at Mohegan Sun, and then afterwards we were going to go to NYC, even though we didn't have tickets to their Madison Square Garden show, because we were going to visit with eleanor_lavish and GirlPhenom (does Leener use her lj?), and just basically have a fun time in a super awesome city.

We arrived at our hotel at 3am, after a long drive full of Christmas song One Direction puns (We Wish Lou a Harry Christmas, Harry Christmas, Happy Holizayn, etc.) and dance parties, and woke up a sleeping Lina with whispers about how somewhere only a few short miles away from us, Harry Styles was sleeping. Then we said hello to Erin, Becky, and Dana, who were admirably as drunk as I was feeling in the hotel room next to us. Then we went to sleep, after squeeing over 1D paper dolls.

canadiankracka woke me up the next morning bright and early by screaming that it was Christmas (UNFAIR), and we were all so excited it might as well have been. The girls went to pick up Katie, and the other girls went to pick up Team Chicago, while I... stayed in bed like a lazy bum, and drove around Uncasville by myself listening to the Black Crowes and pretending that I absolutely wasn't going to see a boyband later that night.

After meeting Team Chicago (shoutout to Chelle, Katie, and Lauren!), we all played a game of "How Drunk Do We Have To Be To Deal With Seeing Their Stupid Faces In Person" and headed over to the show. Special shoutout to Jim, our long-suffering shuttle driver, for putting up with our wails of despair.

After that, it's all a blur until Lina, Lex, and I walked up into our seats, and I almost turned around immediately and ran out, because, theme of the weekend: NOPE.

Dec. 1st Mohegan Sun:

- Harry's moan- I was there in person, and I want a t-shirt to commemorate this event. Holy. Fuck. Kill me now.
- Liam's sliding- Liam is completely incapable of walking down those ramps like a sane person.
- Liam also jumped up on the railing of the top tier of the stage a few times to wave at the people up top. Because of course he did. Liam, stop climbing things. Or keep climbing things forever. I also spotted Harry do this once.
- Harry slid down the ramp too, once, aiming to go under Liam's legs, and didn't quite make it. He tried at MSG too, and failed again.
- I know we've all heard about it, but when the other four boys get down on their knees for Harry and he puts his fingers in Niall's mouth, and everything is horrible.
- At one point during I Wish, Niall and Louis played catch with a water bottle, and then ran up separate ramps while Niall tried to throw the water bottle football-style to Louis. Louis missed.
- Harry was off the rails during "Kiss You", it was amazing to see. I mean, he was incredibly on for the whole entire show, but during this song he kinda just flipped a switch and went crazy, and it was the most attractive and charming thing.
- Harry is the world's largest flirt, surprising nobody. He absolutely shines it on for the audience- eye contact, winking, pointing, singing to specific girls... I'm glad I was not one of those girls, because if I were, I would cease to exist right now.
- At the end of Save You, they suddenly make a break for it and jump into the crowd. It seems like it's unplanned, but it's totally planned, because they did it again at MSG the next night, but that doesn't make it any less charming. It seems that they've each got a security guard assigned to follow them around, and Harry's got Paul, and immediately designed to make his life as hard as possibly by spinning wildly out of his grip and sprinting as far away as his gazelle legs could possibly take him. He was at least three times further away than the other boys.
- TEENAGE DIRTBAG- I've apparently been waiting all my life to hear Niall sing "your boyfriend's a dick", and for Liam to sing the girl's part.
- In case you're wondering, Niall plays a Gibson Les Paul in a sunburst, and it's traditional style as opposed to standard, and he's chosen the gold toggles instead of the factory, tacky black and clear bubble style, which, me too, Niall. Me too. Speaking of Niall playing guitar, nnnnnngh.

And the rest of the night for me was pretty written off because of how many feelings I was having. I remember feeling super sad and disappointed that I was going to be in NYC but unable to go to the show, because it was the show, and we were going to be so close. But I pressed on, because I had gone once, which is more than I thought I would ever do.

The next day (after we all collectively had to stop canadiankracka from hurling herself off a cliff), Katie, Lex and I drove to NYC while rapping along to Salt 'N' Pepa and blasting Christmas carols. We arrived, and me and Lex immediately went downtown, where Lex took me to Macy's so that I could fangirl Christmas and then I got ice cream, and it was the most perfect. We also went to the 1d store, and I bought Harry in a jar.

Later that night, Lex got a text from Lauren, informing us that she'd won extra tickets to the Madison Square Garden show, and that we could now in fact go. I'm glad you weren't all there to see how excited my face was, because you wouldn't think I was cool anymore if you were.

Then again, you've all been reading me gush about One Direction for a bunch of paragraphs now, so all my cool pissed off quite a while ago, I'm guessing.

I had been sort of... repressing all the tweets, thoughts, essays, etc. about how important the MSG show was for the boys, because I was so disappointed that I wasn't going to be there, but the morning of the show it all kinda hit me like a truck, and just, like. Feelings. That is all.

And then, we found out that Ed Sheeran was going to be opening for them. Oh good, because I definitely needed that to happen. I wasn't hemorrhaging enough feelings yet, so that was helpful.

We met up with estrella30, mediaville, Rachel, Meredith, and Jess for pre-show squealing, food, and drinks, and to say goodbye, since we would all soon no longer be around.


- Ed is the master of everything. His vocal control is ridiculous, both in tone and rhythm. His lyrics are perfect, his stage presence is phenomenal, but we all already knew this, and it was just bonus awesome, him and his stupid little hoodie and his huge smile. He did the singles, Give Me Love, Lego House, You Need Me, and A Team, which seems like a short set, but then really doesn't when you take into account the fact that You Need Me, I Don't Need You is actually four songs long, especially with the "high grade weed" add-on and the "mainstream with the A Team" gangsta bit.


- During C'mon C'mon, Harry and Niall did a synchronized Old Man dance down the stairs, which was precious. Here are some gifs of that.
- During the twitter questions, one of the questions was "what would you do if a chicken attacked you: please demonstrate", so clearly Liam took it upon himself to be the chicken, and immediately headed for Louis. Zayn was next, and we all get to die happy from hearing him say "vas happening" in real life.
- Zayn decides to slap us in the face with feelings when he decides to give a speech on how this sort of thing just doesn't happen to kids like him from Bradford.
- The whole show, they all were about 70% less cheeky than they usually are, and instead it was replaced with pure earnest. This might sound corny, but it was 100% heartwarming. Months ago I would have rolled my eyes at the fans who said they were "proud", but I can't do that anymore, because "proud" is definitely something I was feeling.
- And theeeeeeeeeeeeen Ed Sheeran walked out in the middle of Niall's solo on "Little Things", sat down beside Harry, kissed Liam on the cheek, and sang into Haz's mic while simultaneously trying not to smile, and uggggggggggggggh stopppppppppppppppppppp. As soon as I spotted him coming, I had a full out "Bruce is about to sing Rosalita" level meltdown, but since the only person standing next to me was Steph, who I'd only met hours before, she now knows what it feels like to have a crazy stranger scratch helplessly at her arm whilst screeching loudly.
- Whenever Liam let the crowd sing along, his faaaaaaaaaaace! He was absolutely beaming, lit up like a Christmas tree. As IF he's not used to that yet, COME ON.
- Aside from all the flirting I described from the Mohegan Sun show, Harry got down on his stomach so he could reach people's hands from the catwalk.
- Speaking of the catwalk, the little step at the end was something I was constantly worried one of them was going to trip on. Thankfully, it didn't happen.
- I thought I was done with my Teenage Dirtbag feelings at Mohegan Sun, but it turns out that what I've really been waiting all my life for was to watch Harry spread his arms out wide, head back, eyes closed, like he's king of the world, while a song about a teenage dirtbag plays in the background.
- here's an mp3 of Teenage Dirtbag from the MSG show.
- At one point, Harry crouched down at the end of the catwalk and a security dude handed him an inhaler for him to take. Harry, *________________*. This paired with his "nervous!" tweet, and @estrella30's tweet about how clearly somewhere in the building before the show Harry was vomiting, reminded me that he is just a kid, and ughhhh his life. Harry played Madison Square Garden to a sold out show and then banged one of the most famous popstars in the world, also. I can't.

And then, we drove home, which took all day yesterday, and I am still an absolute mess of feelings. I actually burst into tears today for no reason when I saw my Dad (because I'm a huge knob), and he was like, what's wrong?! And I was like, nothing! Lack of sleep, and feelings, and bahhhh! And he gave me the world's biggest hug.

And now, to round out this post with some pictures that I absolutely did not take, but stole from mostly tumblr.


Ed watching from side stage, good.

OTP forever, even at MSG.

Their hug legitimately hit me hard. Because, guys. They play it so cool most of the time. (I've been playing it cooooool... Grimmy style.) But they just can't contain themselves. It was the best night of their lives! They said so repeatedly! And they just couldn't help it, they had to hug each other. Just like on X Factor, just like at the VMAs... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhh.


get out.

I am NOT okay, this is absolutely NOT okay.

I will see you mofos next year!


I'm so sorry. I'm done now.

the d stands for delightful, shows, 1d

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