fashionable people doing questionable things.

Aug 17, 2032 17:38

Dudes, I have to make an announcement that I never wanted to make. I've gotta go friends-only. I always knew that eventually I would have to, but it's been seven years and I think that's a pretty long time to hold off. I'm such a huge fan of free speech and blogging and the written word in general, and I've always used the (semi)anonymity of the internet as a jump off for my dorkiness and other such nonsense. But it's time for me to go on lock down.

At this point, I'm not even sure who I've got friended and who I don't, even concerning the people I love. If you know me, you know I'm a scatterbrained nutcase who can't keep track of anything. If you find you've been locked out, please, please, please comment and let me know. Pleeeeease.
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