I return with corndog poetry assigned in class

Sep 29, 2011 16:36

First off: God, I am so sorry.  I've been writing... a bit, but it's part of a piece that's really best when it's ready to be published.  I'm sorry.  8l  I've been beating myself up for being unable to crank anything out to put on here.  If it's something nonspoilery, then I'll put it up, because my poor Livejournal has been abandoned.  ;-;

Anyway, this was an assignment in my Creative Writing: Hybrid Vigor class.  This is the most fun I've had ever writing a poem.  We had these constraints:

1. Your poem must have a title.  Your poem must also be composed of two (2) stanzas of any length and twelve (12) lines of any length.
2. Your poem must contain or allude to one proverb, adage, cliche, platitude, or familiar phrase/saying.
3. Your poem must contain two of the following nouns:  pills, house, salt, bark, sick, shadow, thing, whistle, stick, plan, street, afternoon
4. Your poem must contain the proper noun of a person or place.
5. Your poem must contain at least two tenses.
6. Your poem must contain an ellipsis...
7. Your poem must contain two of the following verbs in any tense: to whir, to know, to climb, to bark, to cough, to strike, to chew, to pick, to wonder, to allow.
8. Your poem must contain a question.
9. Your poem must do something so overly poetic as to be silly.  The use of the phrase 'O, my love' or over the top alliteration like, 'morbid mongrels munching' would be two examples of this.
10. Even as it's being silly, your poem must be deadly serious.

Now, if you know me, you know I hate poetry.
I had a blast with this.  It took me about a half hour, and I actually got up and read it to the class.  We were assigned to write a corny fucking poem.  How cool is that?

I'm also weirdly proud of it and attached to it, despite the fact that it's a complete corndog.  So here it is:

Kissed by fortune, your father said.  You were
a happy child, your house the only world you needed.  Your
secret kept from everyone - even yourself...  But a
shadow descended
as you grew, and here you stand now,
striking out at the world.  This
Hell did not end you,
but neither did it strengthen you,
as you stand here, hands
bloody and broken.

"How do you know?  Why do you?"
you demand, curling a fist.
Oh, my sweet little lord, that is for another time.

I wasn't really inspired by anything.  The words just sorta barfed themselves out.
So yup.  That's my exciting new update.

If you'll excuse me, I'm off to edit a history paper I cranked out in four hours, then celebrate with (maybe) victory pizza and X-Men: First Class.


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