101 things in 1001 days

Oct 23, 2008 10:43

Oh! I just realised that this little self-improvement project reaches its expiration date in two days. I started on Saturday 28th January, 2006. 1001 days seemed like ages when I started this, but it’s gone so fast...


Here’s my list. The ones I feel I’ve achieved are in bold. I managed 73 out of 101.

1. Get my passport.
2. At least start learning to drive.
3. Be more positive when I'm in doubt. Not everything is going to turn out badly.
4. Get in a swimming pool.
5. Try to write a story in the conventional way; maybe then I'll finish one. - (Well, I did attempt this but never finished anything I wrote)
6. Tidy my room once a week.
7. Weigh 100 lbs naked (this means gaining). - I have put on a little bit of weight but I’m still only on 95 lbs.
8. Watch at least one film a week.
9. Go on holiday.
10. Keep a friend for longer than a year.

11. Get my nose pierced again.
12. Remove the lip piercing.
13. Meet more LJ friends.
14. Save money and put it in the bank.
15. Dance in public without feeling like a tit.
16. Get rid of the bags under my eyes.
17. Bake something.
18. Get over my fear of calling people on the phone.
19. Stop pulling my hair when I'm bored or nervous. - (Lifelong anxious habit)
20. Don't use the internet for a couple of days (when I could if I decided to).
21. Ditto for chocolate.
22. Don't be embarrassed about the TV I watch.
23. Get a job in the summer. - I totally fail on the job front, unfortunately, social anxiety and lack of experience are stumbling blocks.
24. Cut down on hand washing. - (I used to be pretty obsessive-compulsive. I still am, but it’s definitely not as bad as it used to be)
25. Take a walk every now and then.
26. Read a book every few weeks.
27. Try drugs.
28. If I'm not feeling brave, do the damn thing anyway.
29. Write more letters.
30. Smile when I know I should but usually don't or can't.
31. Try food I've never had before. - (Nothing very adventurous: tofu, swordfish, sushi. Didn’t like any of them)
32. Wear something bright.
33. Be upfront when it's beneficial.
34. Learn to be generous.
35. Learn to trust.
36. Put some unnatural colour in my hair.
37. Actually read the Doctor Dictionary emails I get.
38. Flirt successfully.
39. Buy a camera and take pictures of people I know, and of random things I want to remember.
40. Start looking at the screen when I'm typing so that I can see pop ups and get rid of them before they waste my time.
41. Go to the places I loved in my childhood - like the river with the swinging bridge, and that well nearish the chapel that I have to cross a stile to get to. - (I still want to do this but I forget to when I am back home).
42. Go to a concert or another music festival. - (I’ll count small local gigs)
43. Fully engage in class.
44. Buy my own drinks instead of letting other people pay. Sometimes.
45. Learn to play the guitar.
46. For one day, try not to complain about anything.
47. Record my thoughts in my private journal (which I keep forgetting I have).
48. Wear the clothes I want to wear.
49. Stand up for myself.
50. Have a conversation with a complete stranger.
51. Write tasks down so I won't forget to do them.
52. Memorise some quotes.
53. Memorise phone numbers in case my mobile breaks or something.
54. Read some classic literature.
55. Be kind without on some level expecting something in return.
56. Play a violent video game.
57. Go the hairdresser knowing exactly what I want done. Don't lie about liking the end result.
58. Look at a needle without cringing.
59. Give good advice when it's asked for.
60. On some occasions, do today what could be put off for ages, because then it's out of the way and I won't have to worry about doing it later.
61. Prioritise.
62. Find a foundation that's right for me.
63. A shampoo as well.
64. Don't automatically snap at family members - talk to them calmly and reasonably instead. That way they might see that most of the time I don't hate totally hate them, without me having to say it.
65. Get into university and have a good time.
66. Meet a famous person.
67. Spend less time in my daydreams and just concentrate on the real moment, because I won't be getting it back.
68. Remember to breathe properly.
69. Improve my posture. God, it's awful.
70. Listen to music genres I'm not currently familiar with. - (I’m sure I have branched out a bit when it comes to music)
71. Learn more about other cultures. - (Still want to)
72. Use a computer without getting angry at it.
73. Believe the compliments I receive.
74. Run a mile.
75. Try meditation.
76. Keep asking questions.
77. Get off the fucking fence and form at least one strong, unswayable opinion (I can understand every viewpoint of pretty much anything, but don't necessarily agree. Sometimes I think this means I have a weak mind).
78. Tell certain people what I think of them.
79. Tell certain people what they mean to me.
80. Get a tan. Natural. None of this fake and orange business that everybody is so wild about.
81. Eat what I want.
82. Drink at least two pints of water every day.
83. Expand my vocabulary.
84. Find out if I can act.
85. Tell a story well.
86. Tell a joke well.
87. Give to charity.
88. Try contact lenses.
89. Be fine with it if I don't get my way.
90. Stop being so afraid of maths.
91. Make a serious promise and keep it.
92. Be more independent.
93. Do something unplanned and spontaneous.
94. Stop assuming that I must have a fatal illness every time I have some sort of ache.
95. Remember that my life might be boring and frustrating but I still have it better than so many other people.
96. Touch my nose with my tongue.
97. Go see a psychic.
98. Don't let the little things stress me out.
99. Decide what religious/spiritual beliefs I actually hold.
100. Keep in touch with old friends.
101. Lie convincingly.

All of this is to be accomplished by... Saturday, 25 October 2008.

101 things in 1001 days

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