Destruct Old Blood

Jun 14, 2006 14:20

Doobie doobie!♪
(Klaha! Haha! >->; Ha!!!! XD!!!)

Uhh. Hi there eh?


So yesterday was Jeff's birthday. He's 10! Like - HOSHIT! I feel old!
Kinda guilty too? I don't make a post for my baby brother, but I do make this big long birthday post for some random Japaneesie who only knows me from his all-too-frequent, hot, sweaty, turn-in-the-sheets, itchy... hottt... *chokes* mmph... dreamss... Uh. What? *gulp* >->;;

Chris just called. I feel like I've been caught >->;;;
Fucking hell. What timing.

So anyway. С днем рождения!!! Yay Jeff!!! (He wants to learn Russian.)

The only Russian words I actually know... Are the ones inked across Kyo's skin x-X Ooh!! And мир!! ("meer" XD) It means "world" and "peace." ^-^ A friend of mines getting a tatto of it.

Ooh!!! And he actually can now!!!
축 생일 Pummer!!! XD Omg yey!
(Korean woo!)

Actually not till Friday. But I'm a lazy ass and I'm on a roll here. He's gonna be 18 ^-^

Uhh. HOSHIT!!! And buon compleanno Lisa!! *falls over*
Christ. I've exhausted every language I have. Not really. ご結婚式おめでとう!!!!!
THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES! (Those of you bitches who understood that I just congratulated her on her wedding...) Lisa's getting married!! Eeeee!!!!

Fuggin took Kevin long enough ne? Five years? Jesus Christ. Well. Really only three workable years since two were in highschool ^^ Anyway. I still think he's a boring ass -_- But she's the one fucking him haha!!

Er. Actually no she's not. But she will be? Shit though. By five years, if I'm not in somebody's pants... Shoot me? Cuz it's not worth it. x-X It's because I realize that there's more to love then, um, sex. *coughs* >->;

ANYWAY! He proposed to her on her birthday ^-^ June 2nd. He had it written on this giant cake and he had it decorated with all these flowers and the ring was stuck in one of them ^-^ Ashley says it's fuggin huge. I don't want a big ring? You know. I mean fuck, I would get stuck on like everything? Finally I'd probably just divorce the bastard ^^; Haha >->;

Um. Anyway. She still hasn't said yes XD Next time I see Ashley we're gonna bond over the video of that. Jesus fucking Christ. She said she didn't stop balling all night. Like not just a little tear or anything. XD Like "WAHHH!!!"

Their wedding's October 21st. It's their anniversary ^-^ Yey!!

But speaking of them, Ashley's doing much better. After BRAIN SURGERY!! lmfao!! Omg I love that!! It's so fucking funny? I'm sorry. I laughed in her face when she told me x-X She loves me. Damnit. She has to.

*takes a momentary dancing break*
This song is my guilty preasure XD
I love it so much I can't even focus on the words.
"What's that Taka? What?!"

Nee, tootles ;P
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