Nov 23, 2008 19:32
Come on, people. Post some interesting stuff, so I can waste more time on LiveJournal (Not you, Sam. Welsh artsy day? What? And I thought Julia Child day here at Smith was the epitome of awesome/random.)
I bought 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, and I can't tear my eyes away from it. Good thing it's 800+ pages long. Too bad it comes at a shitty time in the semester, when I have zero time to read anything. Up to my ass in required readings for India, as well as my seminar paper.
I decided on a topic last week. An epiphany came. A case study between the democracy movements in Tibet (in exile in India, rather), and in Burma, their movements' compatibility with Buddhism, and how the political ideologies of the Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi have been influenced by Buddhism (or vice versa, how their outlooks Buddhism have been influenced by their political aspirations). I'm excited about it, and I feel like I'll have enough to say to get to at least 25 pages (crossing fingers).
I'm excited for Thanksgiving. Aimee's coming up, and we're spending it at home. No relatives, which is weird. Aunt Uncle Cousins in New York preoccupied with their new puppy and other set of grandparents, Aunt Uncle in New Hampshire in Madagascar until the middle of December, Dad spending it with his new girlfriend (I finally met this one, and she's cool, too-went to Mt. Hoyoke, so we had Pioneer Valley-related things to talk about). Bushman and I are in charge of the pie engineering (:]), which should be nummy. I also have to get shots (typhoid, hep A, polio booster, and flu) at Dartmouth on Wednesday, and Gina's making me take her so that she can hold my hand, which I think is the cutest and most touching thing ever, since she knows I hate shots. Also, I think I'm hanging out with my favorite Springfieldians (Springfielders...Springfieldites?) on Wednesday, too, which makes me really happy and excited.
And I got hit by a cold, but that's all right. Just have to get through two days of classes. Half of them are cancelled, but not the important half, so I am compelled to stay until Tuesday night.
boring academia,