Jun 14, 2004 22:19
ok, so im like oh em geee sitting im my 8th grade omg science class just minding my own like omg busyness. after a like while i like notice this totally horrible smell.The smell is like so omfg horrifying, its like omg unreal. the teacher finally like notices the smell and like decides to go omg looking for the source of the totally groty smell. the smell like leads us to the omg back of the room where the like oh em gee totally amazing pooping boy sits. he isnt in like class this day luckily. ok so Mr. Root slowly like opens the omg lab counter cabinet and sitting there is what appears to Mr. Root to be a like omg dog biscuit. so he like OMFG actually picks it up and like sniffs it, Like omg WHOAAAA was that a omg mistake, it turns out that it was a piece of like omg shit left behind by the like omg pooper to try and kill us all, but it like failed, we are all still like omg alive...
like oh em gee p.s. the pooper is like my omg bf but i like omg dunt wanna tell anylike body becuz then i well be lyke omg unpopularrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!