okay so lets make this a short story
Raw Foodist
For the past Month
I have been a raw foodist. This means nothing cooked over 118
deegrees, no meat, no fish, no dairy.... only fruits, vege's,
nuts and so on.. basically, as chris says, I'm a Gatherer.
Ive been totally loving it- enjoying every day. Ive felt so much
better, ive lost weight, and my skins been great. I have tons of
energry and my mind is totally clear. I have a new outlook, and
its all been fabulous.. Mark's been doing it too, thank god, which has
made staying raw really really easy... not to mention the food tastes
I made the decision to go raw pretty quickly.. infact, i read a book
called "raw food real world" in Barnes and Noble.. and decided in that
moment to become a raw foodist.
well Monday I am stopping raw food to do a complete body detox, its
called the master cleanse. Its lemon juice, maple syurp- grade B,
cayenne pepper and water- only. For at least 10 days. Ive tried
to do this before and never made it past day 3. It should be way
easy to do it now since ive already experienced detox from going raw,
and eat much less in general now- as my body gets pure nutrients
instead of having to be constantly digesting
..And Break
in lieu of the fantastically clean system ill soon have-
simillar to that of a newborn babyyyy (im thinking of your little
bundle of love, carrie), i broke my raw food lifestyle for a night to
say bye to cook foods/dairy/ junk in general. It was a fitting
salute. Haagen Daz cookie's and cream w/ raspberry sorbet
and some yummy spaghetti with garlic bread from Carmine's... and a
blunt with ZIEMBA!
my stomach already feels icky from tonight- but its okay, she'll be
clean soon. I even got my mom to financially sponsor the event
that shall be my formal farewell. Im slick like coconut butter.
Im really excited for the cleanse, unlike the few times ive tried to do
it and been a tad more apprehensive. Since ive been feeling so
much better reciently, i can only weeee with excitement for how good
ill feel later. Of course i wont much like the actual Detox
itself.. being that ill have stomach aches, body aches, muscle pains,
pimples, and who knows what.. i know whatever happens is only bad stuff
leaving my body.. like fats and toxins and nothing good. so HARAY!!
In Other News..
Ive been going back and forth between my moms and my dads like 3 times
a week.. its been getting pretty fucking tiresome, but at least the
weather's nice. I really dont like any of my classes in school,
and am thinking i might drop out this year.. there doesnt feel to be
anything there for me. My major's pretty much crap..
communications.. oh well. My mom and I are re-doing my bedroom next
weekend, and maybe then itll all be groovey, and ill rejoin life. If
you didnt know what my living arrangements were like this year- its
basically im not in dorming anymore, im living at my moms during school
with my sister, and her doggy
which is only 3 days a week.. usually im here about 4 or so. its not
soo bad esp since my mom is usually spending the night in connecticut,
Lance's, or some random European city.
I'm off to drink the first tea of my cleanse, wish me luck everyone.
with infinite love,