okay so quickly now.
im back at manhattan college- but im not really back. Im living
at my moms house during school days and my dads during non- school
days. its not soo terribly bad since i only have school monday,
tuesday, thursday. I also have the same hour break every day that
most my friends have- so ive seen mostly everyone by now. My mom
is usually in connecticut or at lance's house, so its really just my
sister and i here. My sister, rachel, is only here because shes
looking after a dog for the ASPCA, and my dad obv isnt down with dogs
in the house. Sooo usually the dog, emmy, is locked up in my room
all day. This has led to such a lack of caring for anything in my
room since it usually smells like pee by the end of the day.
SOOOoooo since my room looked like people dont even live there- and
garbage garbage garbage.. i decided to clean it up.
of course... this merrits a photo journey through my room
Emmy, the puppy who eats up my room, her little head is so friggin soft.
I understand why cruella deville wanted puppy fur
halfway through
You can Do it!
panoramic view
around and around...
circle complete
the work station..haha
is the process from half way through cleaning, when i got the idea to take pictures, to the room i lay in now
this is only step 1.
my mom said when my sister and i empty all our garbage out of here-
which i did tonight, then shes going to loft my bed, put the dresser
underneath, and add a couch across from an entertainment/study
it should be sweet