Well, I figured there can't just be one post in this community, so...
Name: Louisa, but everyone calls me Lou. =)
Location: Australia!
Are you a writer, artist, or reader/viewer? (Or all of the above? Or something else?): Nowadays I'm mostly a reader, though I've written in the past and hope to again. Maybe. One day.
If you are a writer or artist, provide a link to one of your Remus/Sirius themed works: I just went to check...and I haven't actually written Remus/Sirius! Oh dear. But (because who can resist a little bit of self-promotion?)
check out my FFN page anyway. =b
What are some of your favorite Remus/Sirius fics or authors? By far my favourite is defintely
shoebox_project! Though
copperbadge is up there, as is
What are some of your favorite pieces of Remus/Sirius art or artists? I don't actually look at much art...
Why does Remus/Sirius appeal to you? Because they're friends first and everything else second.
When or how did you first become interested in Remus/Sirius? Uh, a while back I think. I think it might have even been
Fairy Boys that first got me super interested in the pairing, and Shoebox Project and since hardened my OTP feeling. Or something.
Tell us some of your non-fandom interests, hobbies, or activities: Uh, well, at the moment I'm not doing much outside of the internet (wasting away time until I leave...it's quite boring, actually) but I Neopet on here, and there's a couple of webcomics. Uh, outside of the internet I love hanging out with my friends, and I go out every Thursday night to this one club, IQ, which stands for Indie Queer. It's hot. Uhm, yeah. That's about it.