Hello there.

Sep 14, 2012 10:05

Hello there, Glee fans!

How are you all doing this fantastic Friday morning? Well, I hope. Remember that "something" that was coming on September 14? Today is that day!

Initially, I had hoped to post results from the last sectional that ended months ago - however, when I went to tally said results, I ran into the logistical problems that anyone would expect after months of silence. Broken links, deleted journals that led to deleted comments, and more. It became apparent to me quite quickly that these results - as much as I wanted to tally them now - we're not able to be realistically calculated and posted.

I just wanted to take a moment and post an entry once again thanking all of you for taking the Gleeverse ride with me for the two and a half years I served as mod. This community became my baby, and most certainly my online home and has brought me some of the most treasured and special friendships and connections I've had in my entire life. I could not imagine my life without the people I shared my crazy fandom squees with every Tuesday when a new episode aired, and those who I still turn to almost daily for advice and companionship.

I know many of you forged the same connections with others you met here. Social communities such as this are most certainly special, and their importance and power cannot be matched or recreated. Gleeverse is, was, and always will be a community of people that loved and love a television show, but it will also always be so much more.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss Gleeverse - some days I'm overwhelmed by how much I miss the community, and those of you that I have sadly lost contact with since April. Instead of posting the results that I had hoped for, I am hoping that today can serve as sort of a "class reunion."

I'm going to go ahead and make a couple posts - spam, discussion and the like, as well as a chat. Stop in and see if anyone's hanging out that you haven't talked to in a while. I'll be there for most of the day, leaving intermittently for class throughout the afternoon, but I'd love to be able to give you all a quick hello.

I invite you to create and post anything you're feeling as well. I will open sectionals for moderated posting, and if you feel so compelled to post something to the community, by all means, do it up.

I mean it with my whole heart when I say that I miss each and every one of you - the creativity, passion and commitment you brought to a simple livejoural community filled me with joy every single time I saw a new challenge entry, community post or simple "yay!" I would be honored if you would take a moment to reconnect with me or others you miss - even if it is only a moment.

I love you all, miss you all, and look forward to hopefully hearing from you in some capacity today and in the days to come.

- B
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