Challenge: Make 10 icons from the caps linked below and compete to be "the only one" through bracket style competition.
- Below I've linked 10 caps that you are to use in icons.
- Please use these EXACT images in your icons.
- If you'd like to participate, you ARE required to enter ALL 10 icons.
- When you've completed your icons, please update them to an anon server (such as and provide both a direct code to the image, and the URL for each icon in your submission. If you are unsure how to code this, I am happy to help you.
- We will then do a bracket style competition in which icons will be paired against each other until we find the ultimate champion. :)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 Points: 30 points for submitting 10 icons. An additional 5 points will be awarded to each round you pass, and 10 bonus points will be given to the overall winner.
hey, big spender, wanna place your bets? Deadline: January 20th, at 11:59pm, EST.
(Time Left)