It's a dreary day here in the Blue Grass State, and rain is expected to start momentarily. The upside is that we have flowers blooming and grass is greening
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I've updated our Section VII entries over on Dreamwidth. If you're not familiar with it, Dreamwidth is similar to Live Journal, although not quite as comfy. We have identical communities there for Section VII, The Map Room and UNCLE du Jour.
I can also access the comments there, unlike here on LJ.
This is the 'just in case you missed it' entry. We have several things going on, chllenges that are back from vacation and continuing features for your enjoyment.
There's a poll happening, and you can vote through next Wednesday. Use the tag poll day.
Short Affair has a prompt up, and you can use the tag short_affair to find it and read stories.
Two years ago I posted this list as a nod to our first big challenge here on Section VII: the HODOWE Groundhog Day Challenge. HODOWE stands for Holidays of Dubious Origins Writing Event. We had several throughout the year, and they produced some good stories and a fair amount of fun
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If you voted in last week's poll, you can see the final results HERE
So, how about another poll to test our instincts and sense of humor. I'm going to continue with Tuesday Poll Day, so make sure and check back weekly for this feature.
It's Operation Cheer Day. Never heard of it? That's because it's debuting here, today. Every day where we can post a favorite photo or story is a way to Cheer Up. Go ahead, send us all some cheer (and tag it operation cheer).