Contemplating My Own Brexit

Jun 24, 2016 17:31

It's been an unsettling day which I have tried to quell by doing all the childish things - staying in bed, eating junk food, and am now drinking beer. But sooner or later I am going to have to face up to the fact that the UK, due to a campaign by some lying idiots, has elected to leave the EU.

I currently have Indefinite Leave to Remain which means that the UK can't chuck my immigrant ass out unless I commit a crime. Well, unless they decide to change the rules. Probably need to get citizenship right quick just in case. (The primary thing about UK citizenship that I found attractive was that it allowed for settlement anywhere in the EU.) This is the sort of sea change that makes a person re-evaluate where they are and where they want to be.

Should I stay or should I go?

Remain in England - Pros - All my savings that are in dollars will soon be worth so much more. Imminent housing bubble collapse means I might be able to buy a closet-sized home.
Cons - The coming apocalypse recession may mean that I no longer have a job. NHS likely to be privatized now that Farage has admitted no one ever planned to give them any proceeds from leaving the EU.

Move to Scotland - Pros - Will remain in the EU. Still time to become a UK citizen and relocate before they leave the UK.
Cons - I think they have 23-hours of daylight during June and July. Possibly more.

Move back to the US - Pros - I could afford to buy a house. My family is there!
Cons - two weeks of vacation, the looming specter of President Trump

Oh, Canada! - Pros - I could see Pea! It's near the US! Hot PM who is not a climate denier.
Cons-Canada still has that grudge against me so it would never work out.

Ireland - Pros - Economy sure to be booming now that UK is out. Probably even greener than the UK.
Cons - Kidnapping attempts by faeries likely. Not possible to walk barefoot on Irish soil and leave the country.

The MOON - Pros - It's the MOON!
Cons - Lack of oxygen. Long commute.
Pros - It's the MOON! All your puny arguments are defeated!

Apparently, I shall be moving to the MOON.

the moon, brexit, life in the uk

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