This is how they grab your rights

Jul 22, 2013 14:23

Disgusted to see Tor is partnering with Scientific American and the Centre for Quantum Technologies at the National University of Singapore in a contest that makes a shameful rights grab when someone submits a story:

by providing a Submission, entrant consents to give Organizer a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, create derivative works from, and display such Submission under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license

So if you are the future JK Rowling and submit a Harry Potter story, you've just licensed Tor to publish your story for free as often as they want just for entering. You've also agreed to allow them to make as many derivative works as they like just by entering - shared world stories, comics, movies, anything they please. No chance to refuse their contract terms if you win - the license is already granted upon submission

You don't want to enter this contest.

jackasses, not the good guys

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