Various recs (and my new fandom obsession)

Sep 14, 2008 12:18

*waves* Er, hello. I have been here but not here. For the past week my brain has been absolutely taken over by two gay boys from a German soap opera called Verbotene Liebe (Forbidden Love). I blame snegurochka_lee. *shakes fist in most loving way possible*

Just watch this clip and tell me it's not one of the most gorgeous on-screen kisses you've ever seen. *flails weakly*

image Click to view

If you're interested, you can see Christian and Olli's entire storyline here on YouTube. This playlist of vids has kept me occupied for hours and hours and hours this week. *facepalm*

In other news, I haven't done any fic recs in ages! Some of these stories have been up for weeks at this point, but just in case there are some you haven't seen...

HP Fic
A Rose, By Any Other Name by gyzym (George/Lee, some George/others, drug use and a spot of non-con)
This is one of the most moving stories I've ever read about George dealing with the aftermath of Fred's death. It's painful to read at times -- George is, understandably, a mess -- but there are so many beautiful moments here too. Lee is wonderful here, a healer in more than one way, but some of my favorite scenes happen when George visits his family.

Get Down by trailingoff, with art by nk_aoede (Remus/Sirius, R, NWS images)
This is the best fic/art collaboration I've seen since The Moon's Significant Tremble. The writing is sharp and moody, punctuated by moments of gorgeous imagery that lighten the rather dark mood overall. (This is set pre-Azkaban, during the first war, so do mind the angst.) And the art...*flail* This is one of those stories where you just wish someone would draw some of these scenes because they're so vivid, and then someone has drawn them, and in a way that captures the fic perfectly.

Though the Night Yield No Glimmer by scoradh (Draco/Goyle, not rated)
No no, don't look at the pairing and run away! This isn't something I ever thought I'd read either, but I'm so glad I gave it a chance. To me, this story was about finding hope and beauty even at the darkest times in your life. Subtle and unexpectedly moving.

Bashert by emiime (Percy/Anthony, R, discussion of religion)
This fic made me all sniffly the other day. It's a deceptively simple story about a young boy/man dealing with his own homosexuality, but it builds very effectively and packs a huge emotional punch. Beautiful.

Pyramid by emiime (Charlie/George, NC-17, angst)
And another by the very talented emiime. Gah, this one hurts so good. George dealing with Fred's death + Charlie dealing with Bill's marriage = mutual pain management. Raw and hot.

QaF Fic
Fly by gmta_nz (Brian/Justin, not rated)
Gorgeous little post-513 drabble. The love and support and openness between these two takes my breath away. ♥

And I have a couple of art recs as well:

Bellatrix art by twinklepug (Bellatrix, not rated but I'd say it's worksafe)
This gives me the shivers. To me it's exactly what Bella would look like after emerging from Azkaban. Delightfully creepy.

Battle by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
The composition of this is just stunning. Gorgeous setting, and pretty pretty boys kissing...

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, recs: qaf fic, gen, remus/sirius, brian/justin, verbotene liebe, hurt/comfort, draco/gregory, recs: hp art, george/lee, post-hogwarts, charlie/george

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