HP Art Recs and Other Stuff

Sep 04, 2008 19:55

First off, happy birthday to scrtkpr! Hope you've had a lovely day. :-)

Secondly, rs_games recently posted its master list -- congrats again to Team Post-Hogwarts. :-D There were a lot of great entries and apparently I had a lot to say, so looky what I got:

Thirdly, I seem to have a bunch of recs piling up. Have some HP art! I'll do fic another day.

Dessert First by thanfiction (Neville/Hannah, R)
This is hands down the hottest Neville I've ever seen. Holy hell. Just scruffy and masculine and nnnnnngh. And Hannah is gorgeous as well. There's such a warm, intimate, erotic feeling to this. Makes me want to reach for the chocolate sauce myself. ;-)

Two Remus/Sirius Pieces by nk-aoede (Remus/Sirius, worksafe)
These are two separate pieces, but together I think they capture why Remus/Sirius is still my most beloved of HP pairings. The first one captures their boyish friendship, the innocence of their school days together; the second one is from later in their lives, when they're older and more worn down, and yet they still find joy in each other. I just...♥

Little Push by ships_harry (Tonks, I would say this is worksafe unless you look really closely!)
I love the clever concept of this, but even more I like the way the author pulls it off -- the funky colors, the mix of pop art and something much more ethereal. Another commenter called it "luscious," and I think that's a great word for this.

Anatomy of a Villain by mudblood428 (Snape, PG-13 for partial nudity)
This is a stark, powerful portrait of Snape. His body language and facial expression as well as the shadowing and muted tones of the background clearly convey a moment of grief. Stunning.

Deathly Hallows ABC by autumnknees (many characters, worksafe)
How COOL is this? The artist tells the story of Deathly Hallows in an alphabet-themed series of images (starting with "A is for Aberforth who played with a goat"). The drawings are absolutely charming, as are the rhyming captions that go with each one.

Please make an artist happy and leave them some love!

gen, neville/hannah, remus/sirius, recs: hp art, birthday

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