This is a post I've considered making in the past, but I always sort of figured no one else would be as perverted interested in this particular topic as I am. However, I got a request the other day, and that was all the excuse I needed. ;-)
Without further ado, I bring you my all-time favorite spanking stories and art in the HP and QaF fandoms!
HP Spanking Fic )
Excuse me, I will be doing some further research.
I actually really like A Wave Unfurled. I thought it one of the best stories of that particular challnenge. Brian reclaims ever single big of Justin and Jusstin reclaims himself.
Personally, I love A Wave Unfurled, but I know many folks don't like seeing Justin as anything but a big huge success in NYC. I like that as well, of course, but I find this fic to be a nice change of pace and just as plausible a scenario.
Exactly. I love Justin being a big fat fucking success, but there is more than one type of success and I think this fic explores that aspect. Justin did lose his way sometimes. I appreciate the fact that this fic explores something a bit more than the standard fare.
I can see him "fail" in NYC, there are plenty of stories that develop that concept. What I don't like is when his "failure" is construed narratively as a punishment for his choice to go to New York.
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