Big Fat List of Spanking Recs!

Mar 30, 2008 13:16

This is a post I've considered making in the past, but I always sort of figured no one else would be as perverted interested in this particular topic as I am. However, I got a request the other day, and that was all the excuse I needed. ;-)

Without further ado, I bring you my all-time favorite spanking stories and art in the HP and QaF fandoms!

Alastor Moody's Guide to Household Pets by cursescar (Moody/Draco, NC-17, dirty talk, exhibitionism, slight D/s, um... helpfully-deformed!sex?, locked at pornish_pixies)
Yes, yes, I know, you have no interest in this pairing. But you should read this one, especially if you have any interest in a bratty Draco getting put in his place by craggy old Alastor and loving every minute of it. GUH.

And One to Grow On by velvetblood_fic (Harry/Draco, NC-17, sex toys)
Harry tries to give Draco his birthday spanking in front of their friends. Draco stomps off in a snit. Harry gives him his birthday spanking (and much more) in private. Nnngh.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf by ishafel (Remus/Draco, NC-17, chan, previously recced here)
Remus is a total pervy bastard here, and Draco may or may not deserve what he gets. Deliciously wrong.

Burning From the Inside by cluegirl (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
This one is actually a bit more than a PWP, in that Harry is dealing with some major emotional upheaval, but luckily Snape knows exactly what he needs. Be sure to read all the way to the end of this one -- the last line is an absolute gem.

Daisychain!Draco by cursescar (Harry/Draco, NC-17, cross-dressing, incest references, chan, rimming, previously recced here)
This fic absolutely weirded the hell out of me the first time I read it, mostly because of the chan and because I couldn't quite figure out the relationship here. (For what it's worth, I now consider it roleplaying rather than an AU, particularly given the prequel -- locked at Pornish -- which was written later.) Anyway, it's again in the "very, very wrong" category, but guh, it's hot hot hot, even to someone who's not a huge fan of cross-dressing!

Domestic Drama by dahlia_777 (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
This one is fun because there's some plot -- Harry and Draco are living together, and they run into some problems when it seems that Draco just may wish to be spanked. Nice and long.

For Your Own Good by amanuensis1 (Harry/Draco, NC-17, D/S, figging, previously recced here)
One of the most deliciously detailed hardcore spanking scenes I've seen in the fandom -- and it introduced me to a kink I'd never seen before (figging). This one always leaves me weak in the knees.

If That Mockingbird Won't Sing by cursescar (Severus/Harry, NC-17, chan, Restricted Section membership required)
Oh god, so wrong. Seriously, this is very wrong. It's sort of an AU, with Snape as the headmaster of an all-boys Hogwarts, but really all you need to know is that a (very!) young Harry, wearing too-short shorts, gets soundly paddled by Snape, who then takes advantage of him even further. The author writes some of the most exquisite erotica in the fandom.

It Is Allowed by ridicu_liz (Remus/Draco, NC-17, rimming, probably chan as well?)
Mmmmm, I do love an alpha Remus teaching Draco a lesson, though he does it so kindly here that I find it nearly romantic as well. And of course rimming is always a happy thing to see. ;-)

The Nineteenth Birthday of One Remus John Lupin (Or At Least the Hour Before Breakfast.) by cenori (Remus/Sirius, NC-17, bondage, fisting, anal, semen play, kinky tie usage, dirty talk, and Aggressive!Bottom!Remus)
Yeah, look at that list of kinks -- who could say no to that? Basically Sirius ravishes the hell out of Remus on his birthday, and Remus loves every second.

Posterior Proclivity by emiime (Harry/Neville, NC-17)
This one is yummy because of how real it is. There's no elaborate scene or set-up, just two men trying out something new, and there's a very believable air of awkwardness around it along with the hot. It's charming. :-)

A Pushing, Thrusting Young Man by adbaculum (Severus/Harry, James/Harry[ish], NC-17, dub-con, incest, channish [Harry is 15], AU)
What would Harry be like if he'd actually been raised by his parents? Would he have been the type of arrogant prankster that his father was? That's the premise of this fic, and of course it's up to Snape to get him back in line...

Slytherin Lovers by kennahijja (Harry/Draco, NC-17, AU, BDSM)
Okay, I have a confession: this one has a plot and some insightful characterizations, but every time I reread it I skip right to the spanking. *blush* This is a relatively rare reversal, at least based on what I've seen, in that Draco spanks Harry. It's delicious. ;-)

Swish and Flick by shaggydogstail (Remus/Sirius, hard R)
Sirius needs to be punished for wearing a little teeny red mini-skirt, yes? Yes. *fans self*

To the Victor by simmysim (Harry/Draco/Ron, NC-17)
This is by turns hilarious and incredibly hot. I love the idea of Malfoy as Voldemort's message boy. :-P

Twelve by isiscolo (Severus/Harry, NC-17, dub-con, caning)
Aaaaannnnnnd...yet another Harry in detention fic. This time with a cane. Whee!

Untitled by franticbabbles (Remus/Sirius, NC-17, previously recced here)
I just recced this one last month, but it's one of my all-time favorites and simply must go on this list. This is a good one to read even if spanking isn't a particular kink of yours, because Remus and Sirius are just trying it out too -- and what makes this hot is their reactions to it.

You can find even more HP spanking fics here. Some are better than others, so caveat emptor. :-)

1000 Watchers by ildi_bp (Sirius/Draco, NC-17, locked at pornish_pixies, previously recced here)
Okay, yes, this is humorous, but it's also pretty darn hot. I love the bright red mark of that hairbrush on Draco's tight little rear end. *gropes*

In the Green Chair by _odella_ (Bill/Tonks, NWS, previously recced here)
Nnngh. dlakjfalskfj Who wouldn't spank those gorgeous, creamy curves? *drools* I love how intent Bill is on his task.

Spanking by ericahpfa (McGonagall and Sirius, PG, previously recced here)
It's nice to see a woman administering a little authority, yes? And Minerva is just the one for the job. Here she is getting Sirius in line. ;-)

"Will you babysit the cubs?" by gold_loewin (Teddy/implied!Draco, NC-17, bondage, previously recced here)
For some reason the large colored version of this doesn't appear to be loading anymore, but you can still see the black and white version -- and, more importantly, you can still see the marks left by that flogger and the absolute look of pain/pleasure on Teddy's face. Guh.

And What if I Don't? by triciaqaf (Brian/Justin, NC-17, previously recced here)
This is a gapfiller for 213, and is pretty much my own personal canon for how Brian and Justin would have continued their interrupted spanking. ;-)

Asking by vamphile (Brian/Justin, light BDSM)
This has my super!sekrit!kink, which is someone being spanked right on his/her hole. *blushes* This is far too rare in fanfic, but yum yum yum, here it is in this fic.

Crime and Punishment by bigboobedcanuck (Brian/Justin, NC-17)
Playful S1 dynamic, with Justin being "punished" for stealing Brian's underwear in 101. Yummy!

Fly by luceononuro (Brian/Justin, NC-17, previously recced here)
Okay, so this really isn't a spanking fic, but there is a teeny tiny perfectly timed bit of spanking that gets me every time.

Nowhere Near Finished by vamphile (Brian/Justin, R-ish?)
Just a drabble, but holy mother, the scenario is hot as hell.

Third Time's the Charm by triciaqaf (Brian/Justin, NC-17)
Starts off with Brian spanking Justin in a dressing room and making him watch in a mirror (*comes*), and only gets hotter from there.

Unmanned by rhiannonhero (Brian/Justin, NC-17)
Ahhh, this is the all-too-rare scenario of Justin spanking Brian. The power struggle in this one made a little uncomfortable the first few times I read it, but now it just makes everything hotter. ;-)

A Wave Unfurled by keewick (Brian/Justin, NC-17)
This is actually not just a PWP but a pretty good post-513 fic, though it may not be everyone's preferred post-513 scenario. But this is definitely one of those instances where Brian and Justin do nearly all of their talking with their bodies -- there's a hell of a lot of sex here. \o/

For more QaF spanking fics, try vamphile, theconservatory or triciaqaf.

Good grief, that took hours to put together! *wipes forehead* Now tell me: what did I miss? For the record, I will read a good spanking in just about any fandom. ;-)

ETA: Just added a Harry/Neville fic to the HP list. Thanks to emiime for the suggestion!

harry/draco, recs: qaf fic, teddy/draco, mwpp era, harry/draco/ron, harry/neville, post-hogwarts, rec me, remus/draco, sirius/draco, recs: hp fic, alastor/draco, remus/sirius, threesomes, bill/tonks, brian/justin, severus/harry, recs: hp art, au, spanking

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