Super-quick HP recs

Dec 11, 2016 20:42

Fic: Common Threads series by honey_wheeler (gen featuring numerous characters and some Bill/Fleur, PG, canon character death)
This is an older set of stories, starting in the immediate aftermath of Deathly Hallows (the non-epilogue part). It's a bunch of interconnected gapfiller scenes featuring various characters; I especially love the one with George and Ginny, and the one with the trio. ♥

Art: Captured by akatnamedeaster (Sirius/Severus, NWS)
Rich colors, sexy men, one gorgeous image.

Art: Untitled Sirius/Severus by mywitch (Sirius/Severus, WS)
If all you want is some sweet holiday art, look no farther than this lovely pic. It made me smile.

recs: hp fic, gen, bill/fleur, sirius/severus, recs: hp art

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