Things to Read

Dec 01, 2016 19:37

I'm trying to ease my way back into LJ fandom, so...hi! Have some recs. :)

Star Trek fic: the ship in port is the safer one (but it's not the reason it was made) by KiaraSayre (Ensemble, background Spock/Uhura, R)
You wouldn't think a 43,000-word gen fic featuring a mundane mission and squabbles over toilet paper would be riveting reading, but this one absolutely is. It's a funny, smart story about Jim figuring out how to do this captain thing, with great appearances from the rest of the ensemble.

Hockey RPF fic: This Is How It Works series by sophia_helix (Jonathan Toews/Ben Smith, NC-17)
I don't read hockey fic anymore, but I couldn't resist finishing the last installment of this lovely series when the author posted it a few months ago. Jonny is just gorgeous through Ben's eyes, and the development of their relationship feels realistic and intimate.

HP fic: Adagio by lupinely (Remus/Sirius, R, light bondage)
This fic brought back all my angsty love for this pairing. It covers the first war through the "lie low at Lupin's" period, and all the times when Remus or Sirius could've said "I love you" but didn't.

Interesting links:

Some thoughts on hope: Increasingly, I'm convinced the critical choice (i.e. the crisis) we face as a species now is not hope/hopelessness so much as care/carelessness. Hope seems like an individualistic-- an essentially private -- balm. Care, on the other hand, is inherently relational, reciprocal (even self-care requires a kind of imaginative giver-and-receiver). But we have to be prepared to bump into pain -- our own and others' -- because that’s what care will touch when it's really needed.

The American City Is a Machine That Kills Fascism: Let's hope this is true. :)

lie low at lupin's, recs: hockey rpf fic, recs: hp fic, gen, remus/sirius, toews/smith, post-hogwarts, interesting links, recs: st fic

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