Big post of hockey recs

Feb 09, 2013 17:20

I know very few people on my flist will be interested in these, but I'm hoping to pick off one or two of you. ;-) A bunch of these would work pretty well to read as original fic too, just sayin'. (There's a lot of porn in here.)

These are in no particular order, just whatever I've happened to read or reread over the last few weeks. There will be more to come.


1. These are all AO3 links, and some of them may be locked. Unfortunately I don't have any invites to share. :( If there's something you want to read but can't, let me know and I'll see if I can dig up an alternate link or some invites or something.

2. In case you want visual aids, I've linked the names in the subheads to pictures of each guy. :)

The Work of Wings by thefourthvine (Crosby/Malkin, NC-17)
Amazing, amazing story. Sidney gets hit on the ice, and instead of waking up with amnesia, he ends up with extra memories in his head. I won't spoil what actually happens, but I was completely absorbed by that plotline and the way it brings Sidney closer to Geno. A great long read.

Hanging with the Unloved Kids by chibiRHM (Crosby/Malkin, NC-17)
Sid/Geno pining with a delightful side of semi-functional Kane/Toews. Gorgeous look at Sid coming to terms with his own sexuality and his feelings for Geno. Another great long fic.

Flip Shut, Hang Up by thehoyden and twentysomething (Crosby/Malkin, Ovechkin, PG)
Alex Ovechkin plays yenta for Sidney and Geno during the lockout. Hilarious one-shot.

Get It Right, Get It Tight by twentysomething (Crosby/Malkin, NC-17)
Geno appreciates Sidney's post-lockout body. Hnnnnnngghhh. Perfect PWP.

Gray in the Dark by angelsaves (Crosby/Malkin, PG-13/R, were-cat AU)
While he's out with his concussion, Sidney discovers Geno can turn into a cat. Kitty!Geno is obviously adorable, and the author writes lovely dialogue. A long-ish one-shot.

Pure Destroyer by jukeboxghost (Kane/Toews, NC-17, rimming, spanking)
This, ladies and gentlemen, is how porn should be written. Great dialogue and characterizations, filthy intimate little details that help you feel and see and hear the scene, and an absolutely killer last line. Also notable: this is a bottom!Tazer fic, which is quite rare in this fandom. (But c'mon, this ass really deserves a little attention once in a while, no?)

don't look up, down, or to the side by hazel (Kane/Toews, PG-13/R for language)
Tazer buys a fixer-upper. A love story told through home renovations.

eye to eye, so alive by vlieger (Kane/Toews, NC-17)
This is post-game porn, and not only is it ridiculously hot, but it's also ridiculously well characterized. I can absolutely believe this blend of competitiveness, lust, and genuine affection between them.

Write Our Names on the Wall by twentysomething (girl!Kane/Toews, NC-17, AU)
Man, this fic has some of hottest het sex I've ever read. Kaner more or less goads Johnny into a casual hook-up. (You know Johnny rises to the challenge of blowing her mind. *g*) Then somehow the hook-ups keep happening. Insert feelings and stir. :)

Some boys (some boys) are only about by sabrina_il (Kane/Toews/Keith/Seabrook/Sharp, NC-17, gangbang, mention of watersports)
So this is Kane/Toews plus a few bonus teammates -- because sometimes you just need a little hot orgy porn. I love, love the way the guys, especially Johnny, take care of Kaner here.

Friday Night Arrives Without a Suitcase by marycontraire (Briere/Giroux, PG-13-ish)
I doubt that Briere's kids actually went with him to Germany during the lockout, but after reading this story, you'll wish it were true. I love the combination of humor, unidealized domestic family life and the perfect amount of relationship angst.

The Unexpected Guest by marycontraire (Briere/Giroux, PG-ish)
Sweet look at the evolution of Claude and Danny's relationship over the years (in reverse chronological order).

Permanent Parking by marycontraire (Briere family with background Briere/Giroux, PG-ish)
I would read more gen if it were all so well written as this one is. There's an underlying Briere/Giroux relationship, but the story is mostly about Claude's relationship with Danny's youngest son, Cameron. Touching, real, and often very funny.

riot rhythm by melitaea (Brown/Seguin, NC-17, crossdressing, spanking)
Hnnnngh. Hot spanking porn with a dollop of angst. Says the author: Sometimes you just need to write filthy porn about Tyler Seguin getting bent over and spanked in five-inch heels, you know? *nod nod*

Love in Fast Forward by ionthesparrow (Richards/OFC, Carter/OMC, PG-13)
Richards and Carter are often written as a pairing, but this is my favorite fic about these two. Part coming out story, part friendship fic, I found this moving and very well written, and I didn't even miss the sex. ;-)

As always, consider leaving some kudos or comments on the stories you enjoyed!

recs: hockey rpf fic, richards/ofc, carter/omc, brown/seguin, gen, briere/giroux, crosby/malkin, spanking, kane/toews

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