Recs: HP and ST

Jan 10, 2012 21:07

My "fic to read" pile is down to less than 50 fics! They're pretty much all 20,000 words and up, argh, but still. \0/

Have some recs.

The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
I haven't read anywhere near all of the fics over at hd_holidays, but so far this is my absolute favorite. It's sort of tough to describe without giving away aspects of the intricate and engrossing plot, but basically Harry is an Unspeakable, and he works under a code name/identity with a handler who's also in disguise. One of my favorite aspects of the fic was the way it plays with questions of identity -- very thought-provoking. The story is 56,000 words, but there's plenty of delicious smut and equally delicious characterization to keep you going; once I started reading, I couldn't stop. (If you're still not sold, pop on over to snegurochka_lee's journal for a much more in-depth and coherent rec. *g*)

Sneakoscopes and Unsaid Words by woldy (Remus/Severus, NC-17, infidelity)
This is a fantastic look at Remus and Severus during Deathly Hallows. The wartime setting is well written, the scenario fits plausibly into canon, and this Snape is so pitch-perfect it hurts.

With a Little Help From My Friends by midnitemaraud_r (Remus/Sirius/James, NC-17, exhibitionism, voyeurism, allusion to rimming)
Ahhhh, I love this threesome and feel like I rarely see it anymore! This is so fun and porny and delicious. James is adorably in denial about being attracted to his best mates, but of course Sirius and Remus manage to get him past that. And then utter hotness ensues. \0/

Adventures in Astronomy by mindabbles (Remus/Sirius, NC-17, rimming)
There's something so endearing about a Sirius who's smitten with Remus. (One of my favorite lines in this fic: The rooms echo with the very particular sound that is the lack of Moony. ♥) A very sweet, and then very sexy, fic.

Come Now, and Let Me Dream it Truth by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
The premise of this fic is fun: a fountain at the Ministry starts magically granting wishes, and Harry and Draco have to try to figure out what's causing it. I enjoyed the plot, Ron and Hermione are used to wonderful effect, and the denouement was ridiculously hot. :-)

Marked by Anonymous (Snape, Voldemort, G)
A stunning portrayal of the scene in which Snape receives the Dark Mark.

Photograph by ghot (Remus/Severus, G)
The first image in this just kills me (Snape and Lupin's hand fasting ceremony) -- so beautiful.

Once Upon a Time by igrockspock (Gaila, Chapel, Uhura, PG-ish)
This is a beautiful look at fairy tales, cultural misunderstandings and female friendship. It's fascinating to see American culture from the perspective of an outsider like Gaila; her take on privacy, for instance, really made me think.

Heartlines by canis_takahari (Kirk/McCoy, PG)
You all have read this author's take the world (and make it yours again), right? (It's the one about Bones suffering from depression.) If you haven't, read that first, and then read the 900-word mini-sequel the author has written, which features Bones meeting Winona for the first time. This made me smile, and sniffle a little too.

Art for Secret Vulcan Mating Rituals by deliciousny (Kirk/Spock, NC-17)
*brain explodes* This is older art -- how did I not know this existed? Hot, hot, did I mention hot? The first panel with Jim's rear peeking out of little black undies... *rest of body explodes*

If you enjoy, consider leaving a little love for an author or artist!

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, kirk/spock, gen, threesomes, remus/sirius, remus/sirius/james, recs: hp art, remus/severus, recs: st art, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic

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