Oct 23, 2006 15:22
Hello everyone...here's another one of your mods with a post. The button contest is over and I received zero entries. :(
Was the contest a bad idea? Are there no people interested in graphics? We were thinking about having another graphics related contest, but making it a layout contest. The winner's layout would be the community layout for a while. What do you all think about this idea? Would any of you be interested? Please be brutally honest. I'd like this contest to be successful, but if there is no interest we won't do it.
Amanda, representing your friendly mods :)
EDIT: By "layout" we don't mean anything scary or intimidating. The contest would probably just involve you making a banner, probably 660 by 360 pixels. Then we can just change the colors to match. So if you can make icons, you can make a banner! It's just a little bigger :)
mod post