by myself. in the woods. at night. with convicts and crazy people next door.

May 22, 2005 17:04

So, not much going on. Everyone is either graduated, or preparing to graduate Thursday. Sad sad sad.

I was supposed to be going to Georgia this weekend on a fishing excursion with my family. I found out today that they are leaving me here to watch the animals. As in, my grandma's dog. That's just great. I will be alone, in the woods, in Alabama, with no protection whatsoever against escapees (because there are a lot around there, I'm serious, it's crazy) and the crazy people next door. Fun fun fun. Anyone want to come spend the night with me Saturday and Sunday nights? Eh? Eh?

Yesterday Jess and I went to the mall. That was fun. I found that I really like the Charlotte Russe store an awful lot. It was great. All the clothes were really pretty. I bought a skirt and two shirts from that store. My only other purchase was coffee for Jess and I. MMMMMMM. Carmel frappalatte. YUM.

In other news, I am totally in love with York Peppermint Patties. I just bought another bag last night. They are super good. Especially when they are chilled ever so slightly, and you eat em late at night.

I start my job tomorrow. I am excited/scared. I hope that I do well, and do everything correctly. That would be great. I think that I am going to enjoy working there, if I make it through training.

I need people to hang out with this weekend. We need to do things that don't cost a lot of money. YEAH. Anyone interested, let me know!
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