Jan 19, 2006 21:21
Howdy everybody! I hope everyone is doing awesome and are enjoying themselves. I'm still out here in Indiana learning things but hopefully I'll be done at some point. Anyway, one thing that's interesting (aside from one American labmate trying to get all of the 6 Indian guys in my lab to join the Pen 15 club...he's got 3 so far) is that we've been talking about soda pop and the use of corn syrup in the United States as opposed to sugar. I guess I never really thought about it much, but I guess just about the rest of the world uses sugar in their pop but the US doesn't because of sugar prices here. Well, anyway, one of my friends is from Canada, so over Christmas break, he brings back a 12 pack of Canadian coke (complete with sugar). Aside from slightly higher carbs, slightly less sodium, and additional French captioning on the cans, it looked about the same. So, it sat in our fridge for a week because no one picked up cans of American Coke. When somebody finally did, our whole lab had a big Coke taste test. Two people set up the blind taste test and then everybody drank like half a can of each. Interestingly enough, the Canadian Coke was preferred like 9 people to 2. So, there you go. I don't think I expected much of a difference in taste going into it, but I guess I did prefer the sugared Coke over the corn syrupped Coke after trying them. (Not that I think the American one was bad...I'd still drink it...it just wasn't as good as the other I guess) Anyway, I just felt like sharing since I never really consciously thought about the difference between American pop and the rest of the world. Have a great day everyone!