
Feb 07, 2014 13:50

I need to be around people that aren't constantly bringing me down, either by being upset in a way that I find upsetting, or by saying only mistakes I'm making and not giving me any positive feedback. There are probably others? But those are the main ones.

Mike is the first category: Bad at dealing with it being busy, unwilling to hear other people in a conflict... He doesn't really even hear Kim (the SM), but he still does what she says, so "hear" isn't the right word. It's more like, he says "okay, okay" in a tone that implies "but these things", or at least like he's about to say "but something". When I try to explain the way that a situation went, he doesn't hear me at all.

Kim is just nitpicky and doesn't say positive things. I wonder if I could handle Kim better without Mike? No... I just think I could handle that Starbucks better without Mike.

Monday is so far away.
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