This morning, I took my laptop with me to class because I had a presentation and in case my professor's laptop didn't work, I was going to use mine. But the PowerPoint worked fine on her laptop, so I went down to the classroom a bit early and decide to watch the Mezamashi clip of K8 at the Dome Concert while I waited for everyone to come.
So I watch the short news clip, and in the middle of it, I facepalmed. Hard.
My first words to my roommate when I walked into the next class we had together was "Oh my god Yasu has grown a vagina".
No, seriously.
Short skirt. With stockings. He looks more like a girl than I ever will.
Another less fun discovery was that my right knee is acting strange. It feels stiff and doesn't move right. I really hope it's nothing I need to see a doctor for. I have enough stuff I need to do.
Speaking of which... I'm in a funk. These past two weeks have been kind of crappy, and I've lost motivation to do stuff. Like homework. I want to translate, but I never have time because I procrastinate on my homework and end up having to do that. *facepalm.*
But I'll try to actually get some homework done tonight.
And yes, I am answering the Interview Questions. I'm just trying to collect questions from most KBs members before posting it all so I don't keep spamming my F List. xD