Dec 09, 2003 00:47
Light saber duel.
To the tune of the mouse fight in the Nutcracker.
In the middle of a packed Reckers at midnight.
Mary and I are AWESOME.
But the additional merits of light sabers should never ever be discussed around the four of us again. Tedd especially.
Also got to talk with David about sucking big sweet balls (jawbreakers), which added a whole new level to my mental image of him as a pervert.
That's all for now, folks. Mary lent me a fairy tale adaptation called Ella Enchanted and I want to read it before I go to sleep. I must also have all my lines as Hermia memorized by tomorrow at 8:30.
"How low am I, thou painted maypole? Speak! How low am I?"
In closing, many of you have probably seen the cartoon, but only three other people will understand the full meaning of why I mention it here: "Badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!"
*fends Lys off with leftover smoothie*