Ooo, a meme

May 18, 2011 20:17

I don't think that I ever did this meme.
karaokegal gave me these fandoms.
Ask, and I'll give you three fandoms to answer the questions for.

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Harry Potter

I got into this fandom through Buffy crossovers, actually.

I wasn't going to read any straight HP fic til the series was finished, but then I accidentally did. An then there was an article in the student paper about HP fandom that talked about ship names (which I'd never heard of) and Remus/Sirius. It was a pairing that had never occurred to me, so I went hunting. Then I was hooked.

[Wait, does the question mean how did I get into the canon? I got into it reading my brother's copies of the books for the Latin references.]

I have moved on. Although I still a really strong attachment to canon and to the characters. And I feel like I should pay more attention to fandom than I do.

My favourite book is six, I think. I have an awkward kind of fondness for book five, too, mostly because I love Grimmauld Place.

I don't do much at all in fandom but write. I wrote a lot. And seriously, a lot of drabbles.

I really have no opinion about whether more people should join fandom.

House MD

So, I got into House via House fandom, and House fandom via HP fandom. HP started to talk about House and eventually we got to see some.

Have moved on. Way on. I don't even think about downloading the show anymore. I don't feel guilty about this, or any sort of nostalgia. It was never particularly involved in fandom. Although it was nice to have a tv fandom again (after HP, after West Wing), I didn't like being behind and I didn't like the way that people would talk about the episodes, the fuss that came up.

My favourite episodes are House v God and Three Stories. I also like All In.

I actually wrote some great fic for House. I'm really proud of the stuff I've got for it. I do, in fact have a couple of story ideas left, if I can get back into the right mind for it. One prompt fic, so I will work on that.

Again with the no opinion on whether more people should join fandom. I don't think I can ever work out what that question is getting out.


A combination of Buffy fandom people and flesh space science fiction people got me into canon. I was never particularly into fandom.

I don't think I'll ever be more involved in fandom than I ever was, but I don't think that I'll stop putting it on my writing list. (House isn't there anymore, HP always will be.)

My favourite episodes are all of them. Um. I love Out of Gas, and Serenity Part 2, and Trash and Objects in Space, and actually The Train Job as well, and Ariel.

I've written a couple of fics. And one little piece of meta. Actually, discussion of Firefly first let me understand the use of canon as an entry point to discussion of real world issues. So it's interesting, and Firefly's issues are interesting.

I think that more people should watch Firefly. I would recommend it to people. But that might be a general SF thing.

Please come to the dreamwidth post of this entry! There are

fandom: firefly, this is someone's fault!, fandom: harry potter, fandom: house

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