Title: The Darkest Song of Starlight
secondplatypusPairing: Sam/Lucifer
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: pwp, wing kink, toppy!Sam, devious-subby-tempting-corrupting-manipulative!Lucifer, rough sex, a little voice-play, a smidgeon of language and a somewhat dark ending.
Could be read as dub-con, but wasn't written with that intention.
Spoilers: none
Word Count:
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But what I would hypothetically love from you for said birthday? -ponders- OH OH OH!!! I put up a prompt on the rare character meme...-nods lots- Oki -wibbles happily- It was basically pwp idea with Cross!Dressing!Lolli!Adam(with fishnets and those legs and unf!!!!) and angry!Top!Luci, biting, angry claiming and sexings galore. ^.^
Orrrrrr......something with Ali being a fem!Domme (either human!Au or perhaps just a chick vessel("Cause, Dean...do you really think that your brother's little parlor tricks could really kill me that easily? It hurt more than I have in a long time, but I'm afraid you can't get rid of me that easily, boy.") and Dean not knowing about it til he feels that strange familiarity...no sex per say...but whip play/sense dep/interesting voice play...
Umm, I have tons of ideas wandering around in my head. Lol. There's also something Azazel/Lilith or Azazel/Meg -flails- I dunno, take something and run with it. Lol, cause I'm like...everything is what I want from yew. XDDD <33333
Also...YES! Yes yes yes!!! Though I would never promote Luci in with a mullet...I can see a fun thing where he traps Sam in a labyrinth type thing in the cage...and then at the end all he does is run back into Luci's arms...and the Archangel is not pleased 'All I asked for was your acceptance you of all people were made for me" Lol...I get too many ideas talking to you and Meggles. XDDDD Lol
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