The Darkest Song of Starlight (Sam/Lucifer)

Feb 23, 2011 05:55

Title: The Darkest Song of Starlight
Author: secondplatypus
Pairing: Sam/Lucifer
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: pwp, wing kink, toppy!Sam, devious-subby-tempting-corrupting-manipulative!Lucifer, rough sex, a little voice-play, a smidgeon of language and a somewhat dark ending.
Could be read as dub-con, but wasn't written with that intention.
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 887
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all characters therein are the property of Eric Kripke and the WB/CW, I'm just borrowing them for my own nefarious purposes.

Summary: In which Sam and Lucifer face off, and Lucifer is full of surprises and wings.

Author's Notes: So. aeon_entwined had a bad weekend, and I offered to write her a cheer-up drabble. She wanted Sam/Lucifer wing!porn, and before I knew it, the drabble turned into this.
Lucifer's only got two wings in this fic, which is a first for me - I'm feeling lazy right now, and putting all twelve in there sounded a little too tricky for my liking.

This is written under the assumption that part of Sam is drawn to Lucifer, just as Lucifer is drawn to Sam, so suspend your disbelief and enjoy the porn.

Title inspired by/cut text taken from Rammstein's "Mein Herz Brennt", which lodged itself firmly in my brain while I wrote this.

With this heart I have the power
to blackmail the eyelids
I sing until the day awakes
a bright light on the heavens

my heart burns

Crystalline blue clashed with hazel, testing the steel behind Sam Winchester's narrowed eyes.
Lucifer held his true vessel's defiant gaze with a calm intensity that made Sam feel completely exposed, as though his soul was laid bare before that placid stare.

Tension hummed in the air around them, dancing along Sam's nerves and pulling them tighter with every second spent under the Devil's scrutiny.

When the archangel blinked, bringing their silent stand-off to an end, the set of Sam's features remained unchanged, betraying none of the anxiety fluttering in his chest as he waited for Lucifer's next move.

Lucifer stepped back and sank to his knees, the impassive mask of Sam's features turning to confusion, then astonishment as the Morningstar bowed his head and began to chant in Enochian. Sam could feel Lucifer's grace reaching out through his voice, skimming across his skin and leaving slight chills in its wake.

There was a sound like the whisper of air through an eagle's plumes as a pair of shimmering smoke-grey shadows appeared, extending from Lucifer's back to the ceiling. They shifted with the cadence of his syllables, growing denser and more detailed until they resolved into shining, dark-feathered wings.

Lucifer fixed his eyes on Sam, radiating quiet power.
"I'm yours, Sam," he said, spreading his wings and curving the tips toward Sam, "just as you are mine."

Sam forgot how to breathe.
One of the mightiest beings in creation knelt before him, the sight of all that radiant, tarnished glory on display in an act of submission - of permission - awakening a primal hunger hidden in a secret corner of his soul.
His fingers itched with the desire to touch, the idea of burying his hands in Lucifer's silky pinions overwhelming the loop of don't, don't, don't, don't, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't running through his mind.
So he did.
Closing the distance between them without a second thought, Sam reached out, running his hand slowly through Lucifer's hair before turning his attention to the archangel's wings. That close, the Morningstar's feathers were even more beautiful, blue-green flashing against rich, metallic grey when the light hit them just right.

Sam brushed his fingertips along the graceful arch of Lucifer's left wing, admiring the play of color as the pliant quills bent beneath his touch.
The slight pressure coaxed a strangled gasp from Lucifer's throat, barely audible over Sam's quickening breaths.
His fingers moved lower, traveling through downy underfeathers in search of the taut skin beneath, and was rewarded with another soft, wordless noise, the grace-tinged sigh vibrating deep in Sam's belly.
The bolder Sam grew, the louder Lucifer became, muted pleasure turning wanton and shameless as he arched into Sam's hands.

The litany of wordless, obscene sounds destroyed the last shreds of Sam's reason.
Knotting his fingers deep in the underside of Lucifer's wings, Sam tugged, pulling Lucifer to his feet.

Need shot down Sam's spine like lightning when he bent his head to taste the smoky, intoxicating warmth of Lucifer's mouth, his lips tingling with sparks of grace.
Sam kissed him greedily, half-drunk off the rush of making the Devil moan.

He savored the soft cries as he marked golden skin with sucking pressure and teeth, leaving a trail of blood-dark bites down Lucifer's body, the harsh intake of breath when their naked flesh met, clothes vanishing at the archangel's will, the groan when Sam breached his entrance with a lube-slicked finger, then another, then another, until a torrent of ragged growls spilled from Lucifer's lips.

Their mouths locked together as Lucifer's thighs wrapped around Sam's hips, welcoming the stretch-burning slide of Sam's cock inside him; Sam swallowing Lucifer's feral grunts, dragging hands through Lucifer's feathers in time with his thrusts as the archangel clawed at Sam's shoulders.

Maddening heat and friction wrapped around Sam, setting his nerves alight with each arch and shudder of the body beneath him.
As Lucifer's orgasm drew near, spurred on by Sam's relentless rhythm, the glide of sweat-damp flesh against his aching hardness and the sweet-sharp ecstasy that arced through his wings under Sam's ministrations, he grew tighter still, wrenching broken screams from the man above him.

Lucifer's hand covered Sam's eyes as light burst through his skin, the imperfect vessel unable to contain the intense flare of the archangel's grace as climax exploded through him. Moments later, Sam's orgasm hit with the force of a hurricane, assaulting his senses with wave after wave of blinding, brutal pleasure.

In the aftermath, Sam slumped against Lucifer, rolling off him in a messy tumble of limbs, the picture of semi-conscious, fucked-out bliss.
Lucifer brushed curls of sweat-damp hair away from Sam's face, chuckling softly when Sam nuzzled into the touch.

He looked into Sam's soul and smiled at the sight of the tiny, newborn stain darkening its core, glimmering with the same iridescent luster as the feathers of his wings.
He kissed Sam's forehead, feeling the tainted energy surge in response to the press of his lips.

"Sleep," he murmured, trailing a fingertip along the line of Sam's jaw.
When Sam's endorphin-haze wore off, the mother of all post-coital freakouts lay ahead of him.
For now, though, Sam would dream through the afterglow in peace, worlds away from the Apocalypse and the other troubles of Gods and men.
and the Devil would be waiting.

kink: first time, pairing: sam/lucifer, rating: nc-17, fanfiction, supernatural, kink: top!sam, kink: wings, kink: voice play, kink: bottom!lucifer, genre: pwp, kink: rough sex

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