Only You That I Do (Michael/Lucifer)

Feb 23, 2011 00:36

Look, Ma! I wrote archangelcest porn that has an actual plot!
Srsly, the plot:sex ratio is at least 4:1. I think that's some kind of record.

Title: Only You That I Do
Author: secondplatypus
Pairing: Michael/Lucifer
Rating: R
Warnings: mild pre-series (and creation of humanity) AU, archangelcest, a small dose of wing!kink, a little angst/family drama, mutual oral sex, and young angelic love bordering on schmoop.
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1580
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all characters therein are the property of Eric Kripke and the WB/CW, I'm just borrowing them for my own nefarious purposes.

Series Summary: In the beginning, Lucifer was God's most beloved archangel. This is the story
of his fall -- and the lovers he took with him.
Each of the eight chapters chronicles his relationship with a different character; this chapter can be read as a stand-alone.

Part One Summary: "L is for love, baby, and O is for only you that I do." Michael and Samael (Lucifer) come together for the first time in Paradise, thousands of years before the creation of humanity and the Morningstar's subsequent fall.

Author's Notes: This is the first installment of the Loverman series amor_remanet and I are writing together, based on the song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. The cut text and titles are sourced from that song.
This will be the only happy chapter in the whole shebang. Enjoy it while it lasts.

- according to the canon of angelic lore, the figure known as Satan and (mistakenly) referred to as Lucifer was originally called Samael (a combination of Sam, meaning poison, and -el, a suffix that is generally interpreted as meaning either angel or "of God"). The timeline for this change in nomenclature is established in Paradise Lost as somewhere around the Fall; I couldn't resist the temptation to put a name-change origin story in here using a timeline of my own. The name "Lucifer" is derived from two words, lux, meaning light, and fer, meaning fire. Keep this in mind.

- this is set during the final "days" of Creation, when Lucifer is the angelic equivalent of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old and Michael is in his early twenties (in this universe, angels are "born" fully physically developed, but with the emotional and mental maturity of a 12-13 year old, and don't become true angels until they've spent a few millennia studying in service of their Father and learning his ways)

- It was easiest for me to write the angels in humanoid form, but with wings. This Lucifer doesn't look like either of the vessels we see on the show. For an idea of just how gorgeous God's prettiest angel is, picture Guy Pearce or Cillian Murphy or Neil Patrick Harris or any beautiful man who floats your boat, then make him about twenty times more delicious. This Michael bears a striking similarity to young!John Winchester.

- When I refer to the eight-pointed "Morningstar" configuration of Lucifer's wings, it's the same one I established in the fourth chapter of Perish Twice; a shape akin to a compass rose made of four pairs of wings meeting above his head, below his feet, to his right, and to his left, with a single wing outstretched between each pair. I took the number of Lucifer's wings from the Book of Revelations, in which Satan is referred to as the "twelve-winged Serpent". The precise number of wings Michael possesses is hard to pin down; from what I've gleaned it's definitely more than the standard Seraph six or Lucifer's twelve.

Michael sped around the circumference of Heaven, defined by a filmy, iridescent glow akin to the surface of a soap-bubble, in search of Samael.

His younger brother had abruptly run away after another argument with their Father that started over something trivial and devolved into a screaming match about every way each of them had slighted the other over the twenty-three millennia of Samael's existence.
Samael was in the final stages of the transition from fledgling youth to full-grown servant of the Lord; this phase in an angel's life was characterized by a period of adjustment, and Samael seemed to be having a particularly hard time with the change. Raphael was just beginning to enter it and Gabriel was about halfway through, and though they hit their rough spots from time to time, their experiences paled in comparison to the mood swings and unpredictable flares in temper their older sibling suffered. Samael butted heads with his Father every chance he got, and God's baiting about respect and responsibility and the inevitable comparisons to Michael had the same incendiary effect as gasoline poured on a fire.

There had been a lot of fights over the last thousand years, but this was the worst Michael had seen in a while, and even though Samael had made a huge show of wanting to be left alone, Michael knew he craved attention and comfort.

Michael found him on an outer edge of the circle, staring out into the warm darkness beyond. Until recently, nothing but Chaos had existed beyond the boundaries of Heaven; now, that feral abyss had been tamed into something velvety and wondrous to behold, strewn with billions upon billions of bright speckles of light.
Samael was looking at the one his Father had created and named after him - the Morningstar, whose rays mirrored the eight-pointed configuration Samael liked to hold his wings in.

Even in sorrow, Samael was radiantly beautiful.
He'd been glorious from the moment of his Creation, and from the instant he stepped forth from their Father's hands, all grace and color and joy exploding outwards from a tall, slender body in the form of twelve glorious wings, Michael's heart had belonged to him. Michael secretly thought that his father had created that new kind of love just for them, on that day; he sheltered and nurtured the bond deep within his grace, but kept it hidden from Samael, his other brothers, and his Father for fear of something he could not put name to.

Manifesting twelve of his wings, Michael came up behind Samael and gently touched them to the tips of his brother's plumes in a gesture of supplication. Michael was the oldest and most powerful of the archangels, but here, when it was just the two of them, age, rank and duty didn't matter. In Michael's eyes, they were equals, brought to even ground by Michael's overwhelming love for and devotion to Samael.

"Samael," he said in a soft tone.

Slowly, his brother turned to face him, refusing to meet Michael's eyes.
For the first time in millennia, Michael saw the tracks of tears down Samael's cheeks.

"Please don't call me that, Michael. I hate that name."

Michael was taken aback, ducking the tip of a wing down beneath Samael's chin to bring his gaze up to his own as he wiped his brother's tears away with soft brushes of his fingertips.

"What are you talking about, Sama---... Sam?"

"Every time I hear it, it reminds me of just how much of a disappointment I am in Dad's eyes."

"Brother, that's..."

Samael interrupted him, voice shaking as new tears welled up.

"Michael, when the Word brought us into being, Dad named me as His poison. I'm the only one of us Dad marked like that - Gabe is named for strength, Raph for healing, and He pretty much named you after Himself. I guess from the beginning, He knew I was no good."

"I don't think you're looking at it quite right. Like fire, poison can be destructive, but it can also be cleansing and purifying, a test of strength and righteousness. It's no accident that you're the only one of us who has the courage to stand up to our Father and always speak your mind; he created you to express your opinions, even when they don't agree with His - it's something He needs to balance Himself because even He isn't infallible. You drive Him mad at times, but you don't disappoint Him, and I don't think you ever could."

"If He wants me to stand up to Him, why does He say such horrible things when I do?"

"I wouldn't read so much into that. You know how Dad is, He's always hardest on the ones He loves most."

The faint hints of a grin played around Samael's lips for the first time since his brother came to find him.
"You think maybe that's why He lets Gabe get away with so much?"

Michael swatted him on the wing joint, trying not to smile.
"No, it's because our little brother knows to pick his battles. Even he has better judgment than to criticize God's new Creations - that comment you made about the platypus really was uncalled for."

Samael blinked innocently. "I was only observing that it looked like Dad had been enjoying a little too much of that grape juice Gabe decided to try fermenting. Come on, Michael, can you really think of any other reason why He would think it was a good idea to make something that looked like the product of a union between an otter and a duck? "

Michael held his solemn, disapproving stare for all of a second before he dissolved into a fit of giggles that soon proved infectious.
They laughed, long and hard, 'til happy tears poured down their faces.
As the peals of their Voices began to die down, Michael pressed his forehead to Samael's and stroked his brother's feathers.
"It seems to me our Father named me for Himself because I think even then, He knew that I'd need you, little Sam, just as much as He does."

Their graces ebbed and flowed in a fluid dance before surging forward, twining together around the edges.
With the touch came something new, identical rushes of anxiety and need and want rising to meet each other where their essences joined, bringing the secret flutter in their bellies to light.

The archangels looked at each other with eyes full of stunned hope.
Samael had been in love with his brother for nearly as long as Michael had loved him. After Raphael and Gabriel came into being, he'd become aware that his love for them was of a very different sort than his love for Michael; it was something their Father hadn't mentioned to him, so he kept it secret, hidden deep within the folds of his grace and his wings.
He hadn't dared to hope Michael felt the same way.

The air around them grew heavy, crackling and sparking in the periphery of their vision.

Samael wasn't quite sure what to do, but it seemed like the most natural thing in the Universe to close the slight distance between them and mold his mouth to Michael's.

They melted together, hands reaching out to explore flat planes of skin and gentle swells of muscle as their lips parted, sighs and groans mixing with brushes of tongue and sweet-sharp nips of teeth.

The waves of warmth building in their bodies from the contact created a strong effect at the juncture of their legs, so they followed them there, each learning what the other liked with soft touches and gentle strokes; giving and taking pleasure freely.

Bold little Samael bent his head to taste Michael's hipbones, reveling in the sounds his older brother made when teeth grazed lightly over the taut skin. With a wicked grin, he ducked lower, wrapping his lips around Michael's hardness. Long fingers clutched at his hair as Michael cried out, hips involuntarily thrusting upward in search of more.

The elder angel broke away from the Heaven of Samael's mouth long enough to reverse his position, discovering his brother's bittersalt taste as the slick heat between Samael's lips enveloped him. Hands grasped at skin and feathers as they shook under each other's mouths, sensation mirroring sensation in their merging graces and amplifying their pleasure to the breaking point.

A rapturous bliss unlike anything they'd ever known blazed forth from their skin and their wings, setting their graces alight as they merged into a single, perfect whole. With the stars bearing witness, they sang their love to the skies; twin cries of pure ecstasy erupting from their cores to resonate with the music of the Spheres.

Time ceased to have meaning, wrapped in a tangle of arms and legs so tight an onlooker couldn't have said for certain where one archangel stopped and the other began, and together, they lay still.


Enfolded in the cocoon of twelve pairs of brilliant wings, Samael stirred from the peaceful fog shrouding his vision and weighing down his limbs. His lover was looking down at him, gently stroking his jawline with the tip of a grace-forged feather.

"You'll never be anything but beautiful to me, Morningstar. You are my Luci-fer, the light of my grace and the fire in my heart, and for as long as I exist, I will love you with all that I am."

genre: schmoop, kink: 69, kink: first time, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: pre-series, kink: archangelcest, pairing: michael/lucifer, fanfiction, supernatural, kink: oral sex, kink: wings, rating: r

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